The MIka one looks fine to me. The Prost one a bit uncomplete but the Vettel one I'm pretty sure it is not real. I have Vettel obtained in person and all signatures I know of him show three large upward movements for the tt and the l this one shows only two. Never saw him sign like this. The Rubens does look ok. But after all if one smells the rest may be also fakes. About the price. I would consider this if it had exact proof of all in a price range between 50 and 100 Euro.
If real then anywhere between $45 and $75 depending on the buyer. It should be worth much more but as it is not on a photo and is signed on a piece of paper it reduces the value. Had it have been on an F1 photo of all the drivers you would get much more.
I have seen over the years similar items go very cheap