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Does anyone know approximately how many items Michael Jordan has signed for Upper Deck Authenticated over the years?

I've owned a few Michael Jordan signed UDA items over the years but ended up selling them to get a Babe Ruth signed baseball. So despite the fact that I've predicted there are too many MJ signed UDA items in the market to sustain prices over time, I'm once again getting the itch to buy an MJ signed jersey for my collection.

But I'm just curious if anyone knows how many items MJ has signed in total for UDA. I know that PSA keeps population counts on the various grades of their cards. So since UDA documents every MJ signing, wouldn't they have a population count of all his signed items?

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No not me sorry James.
James I don't think they keep a record but they have just put their prices up quite a bit by a min of 35%
That's a huge increase on stuff that was already high to begin with!

They probaably know how many he's signed but don't check on each one like other companies. Many thousand but I doubt they'll revels the number as the price may drop if they do and it's tens of thousands or something high

Thanks, Dan. I agree with you. I would say it would have to be in the tens of thousands if not higher. Heck, MJ signed 2500 copies of the "Rare Air" book alone. Although I suppose even if it were 100,000 that he had signed, that still might not satisfy all the demand in a world of 7 billion or more. Of course, they're not all MJ fans. Lol.
Not only does he do private UDA signing sessions but he also signs an item for every person who attends his camp each year and UDA authenticate those items too.
He has signed at least a few tens of thousands of UDA items
Yes, I've seen several that were authenticated at the camps. I think sometimes some of the parents say think...ok son...you got to meet MJ and play with him at camp, so now we can sell your autographed ball to help defer some of the cost of attending the camp! Oh...those mean parents...ha, ha!

The scary thing is that if he signs at the same rate for another 20 years then surely he has to get to the level of say Mickey Mantle with Baseball. There will always be people wanting his signature but surely sometime the value must start to drop with more items coming on the market.

Exactly my thinking as well. He's only in his early 50s, so yes, he could sign another 50,000 items. So...I agree. The prices could fall. And since most people will likely take good care of their MJ stuff, the sigs might not fade so much over time like Babe Ruth baseballs did. I did see a regular red jersey sell in open bidding on eBay for over $2000. I was a little surprised there were so many bids. But there are a lot being offered as BIN for about $1500, and they sit for awhile. I've seen many sell for say around $1200, but that's what I paid 15 years ago! So I don't think prices for the most part are going up, because there's a lot of competition. You're right...there will always be buyers because of his popularity, but where will prices go?


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