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I know it's small, but it is the biggest size available. Can any of you determine if the signatures appear to be authentic?

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as you said, signatures are small, and when you enlarge it, the resolution goes to hell.  but has some positive characteristics.

Straining my eyes from distance Schmidt, Aaron esp look off. Funny if forgery that they knew that jack ass Jackson would sign in a bad spot. 

I dont like the Mantle, from what I can see.

these are all guesses.  there is no way anyone can make any confident judgement on this photo.  I've looked at it ten times and its just too small.


The Mantle looks fine from what I can see, but take that as a grain of salt because you can't see anything. Larger photos if you want any opinion worth while. 

there are a few things I look for on these 500 HR posters.  I see some of those things in this poster but impossible to be 100% sure.  i think the Mantle looks good also.

Hey guys. I managed to get some up-close pictures. Authentic?

I still stick with my Schmidt and Aaron comment.

the Schmidt is really off.  that bothers me more than any other signature on here.

It is weird somebody would forge him and not wait to get him at a show. I had one of these posters signed by all but Jackson who injured his arm at the 500 home run show years ago. Don't have time to study the others but those two are the only ones that stick out to me, Jackson a little tough to see

the letter formation on the Aaron is at least close.  the Schmidt just seems far off, i can't find anything that resembles it.


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