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Awhile back I purchased a Rolling Stones newspaper. It was OKed by Roger Epperson before I purchased it. I didn't see, nor can I now see, there was any problems with it. I matted the paper and eventually offered it for sale on eBay where it was pulled by them.

I have since found out that this item sold on eBay in the past without a problem.

Yesterday, I received information from a member on this site who noticed this in a previous discussion and was informed by them that this is a known forgery style. 

To also be fair, I have seen an email where Roger Epperson again(today) responded this set of signatures looks fine. Also, I have in my possession a ticket to the event on the same date as the newspaper, attendance wristbands for the event, and photo of the event site and inside during the concert.

I simply would appreciate to figure out if these signatures are, indeed, genuine or do they appear suspect. I both love and dislike a challenge and this is one to me. Appreciate any and all thoughtful responses.


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Now if we get lucky and Roger comes here with a change of opinion we would finally have complete resolution. I didn't start this discussion to try to prove these signatures were authentic. Just thought is was high time to get to the bottom of things.

Won't help me a bit but the truth does set one free. This is not about me. Nor any one person or service. As for me, I'm fairly good at vintage Hollywood autographs but have decided that I will no longer offer any public opinions of the authenticity of autographs from this point on.

Words can do damage. To reputations and livelihoods. Fortunately, I'm retired and this was meant to be an enjoyable sideline. To others that are so trusting, the damage is far greater. 

"...As for me, I'm fairly good at vintage Hollywood autographs but have decided that I will no longer offer any public opinions of the authenticity of autographs from this point on...."

Yes, you are. I too will no longer to respond to folks who just send me photographs and no words - not just "hello" or "could you" or "thanks" - but some I don't even know what is being asked? And it is sometimes celebrities I can't even name? No...

I appreciate your compliment and I probably let my emotions override me a bit. I do enjoy helping people. We all need to understand that we are rendering our personal opinion.

Members here are very generous but we are not being paid or should be considered professionals.

A little courtesy and a kind word goes a long way and is always appreciated. We are fortunate having a site like this. We all need to thank Steve more often for his effort to keep this site up and running.

I agree Joe, Steve is doing a wonderful and difficult job here.  We need a place like this where opinions and ideas can be openly discussed to help all of us learn and grow as collectors. I, for one, hope that you will continue to offer "public opinions of the authenticity of autographs" as your knowledge and experience are valued and appreciated by the community.  Thanks

Based upon recent new, and I believe accurate information, this specific Stones signed set is not genuine. I appreciate all the effort a number of members on this site voluntarily expended assisting to come up with a fair and reasonable assessment. Sometimes life does give us the result we desire.

I do believe that fair and reasonable people try to come to some mutual agreement when this happens. It's difficult on all parties involved. And when money is involved even more stress is added.

I purchased this piece from a fellow member here who is in good standing. In fairness, it did have a Roger Epperson quick opinion and Roger also confirmed his original opinion yesterday.

I have reached out to the member who has replied that he will stand with Roger's opinion. He also implied I have hurt three other members due to my pursuit of the truth. If I have caused any undo stress because I have brought up a discussion on an item I own, I sincerely apologize. I simply desire to come up with the truth of this piece as accurately as humanly possible.

Most of us have encountered these situations at one time or another. Usually things are worked out privately and quickly so things do not escalate into a bigger problem. Sometimes it does not. Unfortunately.

I don't think anyone really questions your motives Joe. True, I wasn't in it and haven't read the whole thing, but to me this is just discussion of the hobby. I found what I had found in the past and could not recall - the Stones reunited after 5 years or more on this date in the La Trebendo Club in Paris. So I think this is the main reason for this substrate (fake provenance), more than the fact that newspaper is cheap to work on. 

Fact is, my motives were questioned. And, in fact, I was being blamed for causing stress on the person who sold me this piece. I feel no guilt for pursuing the truth nor have I publicly tried to shame the previous owner who I believe did not offer this to me in deception.

Oh. I did not catch that in my quick read - or perhaps it was in PM. Maybe I know you a little "better" - I know you as a good vintage guy with a good eye who enjoys matting photos and cuts and SP's and talking authenticity. And I bounce things off you from time to time - and I always get an appreciated and considered response. And many is the time you have helped folks here. Saved them $ etc.

Thanks again, Eric. I've never tried to steer anyone wrong.

I consider you a serious student of this hobby. We are all students as the wealth of knowledge is expanding all the time. And I consider you a friend as well

I believe all members who last any period of time here are good people with good intentions. We disagree at times but for the right reasons. Trying to sort out the fact from fiction. A daunting task at times.

Thank you and thank you, Joe. It is a daunting task - but it can provide pleasure as well. And you were right earlier - forums like thses are very important. Steve provides a great service to the community - we all try to help. This one knows inks, that one paper...AML can be formidable and it's a good place to be.

I call this my second home when it comes to autographs. Anybody who collects, at any level, can gain valuable information. Not only does it save them money, it makes them better collectors. Win. Win.


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