Adrian Longden Michael Jackson Examples.. Michael Jackson Fans Needed!!

Hello everyone,

After reading about AFTAL's latest announcement, its obvious that it would be beneficial to have a thread solely devoted to examples of Michael Jacksons signature that were sold or gotten from Adrian Longden. Everyone please post as many examples of MJ autographs from Adrian as possible that are in question.

It would also be fantastic if the MJ fans out their could view these signatures and give their opinions as to their authenticity, and what they see right or wrong about them. This will prove to be a very good resource for future decisions. 

Adrian also made some very bold claims about obtaining items from Jackson. Below are a few of his quotes from an older MJ thread. He states some things about Jackson, that the MJ fans out their would probably be able to confirm or deny fairly quick. Just as much as we need great authenticators on this matter, we also need the MJ fans that have been so instrumental in the Julians discussion. As they knew the man and his habits far better than anyone else. Here are some of Adrians statements.

"With regards to the Macca and the Kylie on this page they are not the best signatures but then again I've had a lot worse on a few occasions. Even the best or more regular of signatures can sometimes altar badly. The Mj's are real because I like a few others like Victor, Canada, Lisle, Adam & a few more without mentioning full names spent the last year of Jacko's life doing him daily & these were obtain in person by me. I personally obtained over 200 signatures from him in that window.

Now some may say no way b******* impossible but were they there? because those of us who were actually outside his house, outside the medical clinic, In the car chases, at the antiques stores, the book shops, the lights, the original dance auditions, the Ed Hardy shop, the Bev Hilton & the Bel air hotel & all the other many locations saw each other obtain large numbers of graphs. I had days of getting double figures often. When he signed he racked & not many people would know to what extent & this was a period only a few of us capitalized on. I have pictures with & video & memorable experiences of Mj. Do you know the names of his 3 main security? Do they know yours & would recognize you if they saw you? do you know the French fans & other foreign fans who'd regularly travel to LA to see him? Do they know you? Would you know the registration plates on his trucks or what colour they were or model? his address or various where abouts in endless places? Did he personally sign things to your name?? I can answer yes to all off them. I feel like it's wrong replying to these threads but then some may say you look guilty if you don't reply & some may say you look bad letting it bother you? how do you win? I guess you'll never satisfy everyone, there's too many forums & opinions from people now you'd spend all your time fighting your corner."

And for all you fans that he refers to as knowing, here is a picture of Adrian. Does he look familiar to any of you Mj fans who were by Michael all the time:

Below are examples of the Adrian Longden MJ's in question. Opinions?

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Thanks to $ony and Estate both of these YouTube videos showing in-person signings by Michael have been removed..... for copyright claims. No idea how this is an "infringement" (must be the music) but then I didn't see how a youth group at a library in Pennsylvania uploading their "Read It" (take off on Beat It) video was seen as a copyright infringement by Estate/$ony....

I have copies of both videos downloaded, but can't upload them. First one has still shots of the actual signing. Second one is live but "under the camera".  I'll take some screenshots to show the sigs.

Here's what's left of those BEST two examples:

1.)  1st post on top here:  "In April 2009 I met Michael Jackson. He signed my back and I got it tattooed on that night on Hollywood (Blvd., the description stated)..."

2.)  1st post on top here:  "I met Michael Jackson back in 2003 in Las Vegas at the Radio Music Awards. He autographed my (drumhead)..."

Here are some other in-person MJ signings, not nearly as good visually as the two removed examples above. There are flashes of signature, if you still frame them you might be able to decipher them.  

3 clips put together.  Circa 2002-03... 2006-07... and last one is definitely 2009.  At 00:36  
(Note on 2009, Michael doesn't sit there signing stacks. Signed the ABC LP then took the Off The Wall LP with him to sign.  Also, he's coming out of doctor's office, walking talking just fine... but then we already knew that).

Life in the fishbowl. October 2003. (You'll need your earplugs for this one)  At 00:53 ...and barely at 00:57

Visiting hometown Gary, Indiana 2003.  Barely at 2:23, but the entire footage shows signature interaction and amount of signing.

With Mayor of Las Vegas, Receives Key To The City 2003.  Again, barely at 1:34  ...but he's signs throughout the footage.

Short but sweet.  Disney 2002.  (No direct sig view, but had to include this one).

Finally, I'm sure those in the autograph collecting community might know this person?  He made me laugh..("Coach's Commode").  First 3 min. are about MJ forgeries.

Again, the best two examples of MJ's in-person signature within the basic timeframe that Longden claims he got his forged MJ's have been pulled down from the net. 

Hello Forum,

I reviewed the clips and have to comment on the following

3 clips put together.  Circa 2002-03... 2006-07

This is a friend of Adrians, well known collector in London selling on ebay as Mafia Graphs or Rack City, obviously authentic items being obtained,  but on the video Adrian is not to be seen

The clips are from London and Adrian is not in the video or cannot be heard in the background

The Dorchester Hotel and New Bond Street shopping


Thank you for that additional info.  You're right.  Longden is nowhere to be found.

Wendy, I know definately at least 2 of the voices in the video, in fact Im almost sure I can identify 3 of the voices.

Most UK Collectors and Dealers can recognise these Collectors / Dealers if Im not mistaken, so I have listened a few times to this now and I cannot hear Adrians voice

I do however have to state I know Adrian did get Jackson in London on at least one occasion,  I was informed he got him at HMV Records on Oxford Street with another collector

He definately got Autographs from Jackson 'In Person ' 

But he has now admitted he got autographs via passing into Jackson by his Aides and Security, which he did not state previously

Keep the examples coming Wendy

Thanks, Gary.  I hear you that Longden may have managed to "capitalize" (as he puts it) on a few authentic Michael signatures.  But over 200 in one year?  I'm not buying that story.  Michael simply did not make a habit of stacking or "racking" piles of items to sign, as Longden claims.  That is not what the videos are proving to be the case.  Apparently, it was not the norm.

Beyond that fact, the signatures are not visually authentic.  I have not seen an in-person MJ sig, or any genuine looking MJ sig, were Michael makes those unfamiliar looking swirly "e"-shapes in "Michael"... sometimes in doubles.  And the Michael M in Longden's examples tend to be wider with a rounded half circle middle, where real MJ signatures show a more closely connected center, and it is either pointed or much less exaggerated in its "roundedness".

You being much more knowledgeable about the voices and faces of these dealers.. it just adds to the factual points against Longden's claims (and story alterations).

Thanks again Gary.


According to sources on this site, I beleive he sold 200 in the USA alone, besides from his sales in the UK

You would be suprised at the total of Jacksons he has reportedly obtained and sold in total, perhaps someone else could give a ball park figure ????

Roger Epperson has highlighted that he can spot a Adrian obtained Jackson at 1 mile and has called them all fake from what he has seen

Roger is a good authority on music in the USA

Yes I can name definately 2 of the collectors and possibly a third, but they are not involved with any of this I beleive, so Im not naming them

Keep it up Wendy


Sorry haven't been here for a few days.  200 in USA alone.. so Longden claims to have acquired and has sold MORE than 200 alleged Michael Jackson signatures (fakes) ???  Oh no no no no no.  Can not be.

And yes, Roger Epperson is a tremendously good authority in the field of music related signatures.  Ethical and professional, too.  I'm sure he CAN spot a bogus "Adrian MJ" a mile away!


Circumstances that have recently arose prevent me from partaking in any more comments on this thread

Hopefully I will be back in the near future

You can add me as a friend if you want

Keep up the good work


Was this one of the times to which he "swore under oath" to being with Jackson?

Don't forget, there was going to be "video proof" that Adrian was in LA in 2009 with Jackson as well. In fact, certain members of the original AFTAL hung their hats on that "proof".

It's too bad that Mike Airing isn't allowed here anymore :(. He was near Jackson during the same time that's in question ( at least I think that's what he said in the past ).

It would be good to have his information as well. If valid, it would be useful to the members of the "new" AFTAL who are trying to close this portion of the Adrian case.
Too bad? When Michael Jackson died, Mike Aring sent me a scan of a signed Thriller album that he said he got in person to use on the cover of our MJ special edition of Autograph. Luckily Roger saw the cover and told me the signature was a forgery before I printed the magazines.

Steve, no............ we dont need to confuse this anymore by involving anyone else

its hard enough as it is


Unsure if this was a occasion under oath as this is the London videos Im talking about.

Adrians voice is not heard on the London videos

As for the US ones, I did not see him in the clips and cannot say for sure


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