As many of you know I am currently in Sydney, Australia doing a run to raise funds for an Autism charity. At the same time the great Italian soccer club, Juventus, are in town to play an all-star Australian team captained by former Juve great Alessandro del Piero.
ADP is a true soccer legend having won everything that the game has to offer and what a truly humble and obliging superstar he is and it has been just a wonderful experience for me to be in his company.
I have had the great pleasure to spend some time with all the all-star players as the week has gone by and they very kindly signed my running vest for the run on Sunday.
I can give anyone who is interested a full list of the signers but FYI Alessandro's autograph is top right (with his "10" underneath).
If that doesn't put some spirit in my legs then nothing wil !!
Happy collecting so and all the best