The sig is on the back of the first title page of the book.  Begins with "Peace", then his name.

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I don’t like the several stop and start marks.

Yea, I'm trying to find one where the 'C' and the 'h' don't connect, haven't seen one yet

Actually, found this one, certified by PSA (the c and h are separate) 

When I was referring to start and stop marks, I didn’t mean where he separates a few letters.  I was referring to where the letters do connect, but whoever wrote this stopped and started which leaves a distinguishing mark that should not normally be there.  For example, look at the last two letters in the last name, where they connect.

Just got PSA QuickOpinion back on it (fwiw), result is "likely genuine".  In resonse to your last msg, I would need some more clarity/ a pic perhaps of the spots in question circled.  Do you know if Wilt happened to change his style of sig over the years?

The troublesome start and stop is a mark of hesitation at the "er" and before the "l". It's quite obvious. Quick opinions are essentially worthless to me. I'd never buy on the strength of one alone. I don't use TPA's for anything and don't collect or sell TPA'd material.

Do you mean the spot that's circled in the pic?

Yes, that area. It looks like hesitation. I believe that is what Steve is referring to.

I initially thought this was good but that hesitation also gives me pause. For reference here’s my signed book with a PSA/DNA letter. 


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