Babe Ruth Cut Autograph Forgery Ebay Seller Irblack COA Drew Max AAU

Here's another pathetic Babe Ruth forgery with a COA from Drew Max (AAU).

How does Drew Max call himself a FDE (Forensic Document Examiner)?

This is one ugly Babe Ruth cut autograph.  Ugly meaning forgery.

This Babe Ruth forgery is listed by Ebay seller Irblack. 

Fortunately, his starting bid won't realize one bid on his Babe Ruth forgery.

Drew Max "authenticated (cough, cough)" this Babe Ruth forgery in July 2012.

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There's a reason why Drew is not on Pawn Stars anymore.

He never should have been on Pawn Stars.



The AAU certificate may have one thing correct:

"Signed July 2, 2012"

It may be possible that the forgery was signed on that exact day - - Good work Drew!


the magnifying glass is too small

Forgive my ignorance, but how do you all know that the Babe Ruth autograph is fake?  I ask because I just saw it on eBay, relisted at $1899.   What do you mean, AAU is not accepted by eBay?   AAU is the only authentication on this and other listings on eBay.   I have a rare signed military item with a COA from AAU and I'm wondering if I can list it or should I get another COA?  Any suggestions on whom I should use for WWII autographs?  Thanks.

Im not sure about your WWll item but AAU does not have a good reputation for authentication.

Kit, below is a link to one of my many blogs on Drew Max:

William & Christopher, thanks for the info.   However, if the Babe Ruth COA is fake ... and the owner knows ... how can he be relisting it on eBay?   Caveat emptor!?

eBay obviously DOES accept COAs from AAU but after reading about Drew Max, I'm gonna shell out money for another authentication. 

I have the famous Iwo Jima flag-raising poster signed by the three survivors - John Bradley, Rene Gagnon, and Ira Hayes.  I've done a ton of research on this piece over the past decade and believe it to be very rare (and authentic). 

It came from my great-Aunt who worked for the War Dept. in NYC during the war and served as a liason to the Treasury Dept. (who printed the posted and put together the 1945 7th War Bond Tour).  Ira Hayes left the Bond Tour quickly and did not sign many posters. 

I have been able to find only one other poster signed by all three men, which is in a private collection in Illinois.  Any suggestions as to whom I should use for proper authentication are most appreciated.   Thanks.




Your great aunt sent it in to AAU for authentication? Just seems strange why somebody would send in something to AAU with the provenance on it as strong as you suggest.

If it were me, I would have it looked at by somebody who IS NOT going to put a sticker on it. Like you said there isn't many of these so I wouldnt chance an authentication company stickering it if there is a chance it is authentic. 

Can you post a picture of it?


I agree, Rick.

Why would you choose Drew "My Magnifying Glass Is Bigger Than Yours" Max?

I'm not chomping at the bit to be on that show, I turned it down.  I'm done with TV from now on.


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