I got this message today on LinkedIn and I offered to post it here for your feedback:
"Hi! I was doing some research online about Beatles signed albums and came across your article on Autograph. We were gifted a signed copy of the Beatles Album “Introducing the Beatles”. It is signed by all four members. I was hoping you could help us with a couple of things. First, we want to make sure it is truly an authentic piece. Next, if we decide to sell, what is the best auction/company to work with to do that? I would appreciate any help you could give us. And I noticed you are in the OC. We live [in Orange County], so if you would be willing to meet up and see the piece that would be awesome as well. Thanks again for your help and I look forward to hearing from you!"
Her father had a memorabilia shop and gave it to them decades ago.
She sent an awesome photo—large and sharp! Big enough that I was able to grab big cuts of each autograph: