BEWARE !! Three U.K EBAY sellers dominating market selling FAKES

I'd like to bring to your attention these 3 sellers in the hope that something can be done in the autograph community to stop them from selling fakes on EBay.They are:




I believe they are all linked and were also selling items through Simon Parrs auctions. Just look at the list of items they are selling between them,is there anyone famous they've missed ? I believe they are using some kind of Robotic machine to create these autographs. To anyone who knows anything about autographs many of these are blatant forgeries,the problem is they all have 100% feedback !! A Princess Diana signed pic which sold for over £500 last week through maconstance2012 had previously not sold on Simon Parr's auction.

These people should be locked up,but what can we all do about it ?

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who ever this Kelsey Hamilton  guy is I wouldn't belive a word he says 

please do you own home

just my 2 cents for the day

I know 100% that is Andrew Salmon's account. I know by what he sells. He has always got Peter Firmin items, that's how you find him.

Kelsey Hamilton is actually Simon Parr.  He operates under Kristin Leigh Sales (and even used the name behind this account as Kristen Leigh - and email address to his business sales 

My guess is that Parr and Salmon had a falling out as Salmon used to do all the coa's for Parr

Parr (aka Kelsey Hamilton) gets to say good-bye again for like the 7th time.

Andrew salmon sells with Simon Parker in their own auctions across the south east of England changing their names . They are on eBay now spla93


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Hi Kesley, you're right! These accounts are known at the moment of this frauds: maconstance2012, nicolawood92012, spla93 and workhard703. It's possible that this frauds reads here too. When you find another new accounts please send a short info to me.

Will do Alexander. I could tell it was his as I say he sells Peter Firmin and Darren Baker. Is he a company still?  It was Andrew Salmon and Simon Parker. In Plymouth and Derby that ran all these auctions, now they sell on eBay. Salmon is the ring leader, and Parker is his sheep.

I thought his name was Simon Parr.... as soon as I saw this thread I immediately thought of Parr.  He always has the keith haring, marilyns, picasso's and so on and so forth.

Novartia live auctioneers has had Salmons items. Have a look at their Banky's/Picasso's/Litchenstein, they also sell on Catawiki.  You'll get a shock at Novartia on live auctioneers. It's astounding. 

I have no idea if this is a company but seems so. You only can get them by a criminal charge. All other is a useless game. Just kicked 92 items at ebay.

In complete 572 auctions cancelled now. Some are open with old soccer autographs. Don't know if genuine or not. Maybe you know more or have an expert on hand.


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