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Hi in 2 hours I am meeting with someone to potentially buy a full band mark,Matt,Travis drumhead. He claims it was a VIP incentive at the Chicago show a year or two ago. I have my doubts and I can hopefully get a few more pair of eyes. The kicker is it's only 50$ Which should be a red flag. Please any help! File 1 is in question 2&3 have been verified

Tags: 182, Blink, band, drumhead, full, signed

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A member named Ryan is very good with a Blink but I believe this to be genuine. This drumhead is the new lineup which has Matt Skiba instead of Tom. These drumheads were part of a bundle deal with their new album, California

Would you happen to know how many they signed?

There was a big ordeal with the company they used to handle the pre-sale... the signed drumhead was a "bonus", and they left it up way longer than they should have, so tons and tons of people thought they were getting it - and ended up missing out. A lot of people were mad (rightfully so), but when I inquired about it the company told me "the first few hundred" got lucky... so somewhere around 200-400ish.

Luckily I got mine, and they pop up on eBay pretty often for $50-$100ish. 

I've gotten B182 a half a dozen times here in Vegas...Looks off to me but other poster has other opinion.

The autograph game...smh

Not sure if you picked this up or not, but it's authentic for reference. If anyone has any Blink related questions please post them here or I won't see them:



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