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Caught in a lie eBay seller aesthetic_autographs

Look at this listing from eBay seller aesthetic_autographs

Not only is the michael Jordan autograph fake but he claims he got it personally at a golf tournament. He claims he got 2 and sold the other one. The lie that makes me laugh is he claims that the buyer messaged him to say the first ball passed jsa and now just needs to "send it in" to jsa

Whe did jsa start doing pre cert opinions? Lol
Is it possible the seller got his friend to email him that bogus message? Lol

Come on

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eBay removed the item above so here's another forgery he has up
A fake Ali signature. Please report it

Here's the ball he claims the buyer said passed jsa...it only sold on the 10th so in 6 days the buyer recovers it and got it jsa precertified lol (but the "email" still says they have yet to send it in)
It's a forgery



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