this dude has been on ebay since 2004 selling nothing but garbage and is a top rated seller! he throws in one real autograph for every 25 fakes. some of the worst handywork you will ever see and guess what? ebay doesn't care! also the guy is signing it himself because i emailed him a few months ago and asked where got some of the bad items - he said he got them in person himself right from the artist. i asked him if they were purchased and he said No, he got them signed himself, yeah signed by himself - in his basement. 7000 feedbacks and counting. what do you music autograph guys think of this stuff. Opinion please..D

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I'm not familiar with them but I see it all the time. People with perfect or great feedback and thousands of items sold that sell nothing but or primarily forgeries to unsuspecting buyers. I've seen some horrible things. A seller named americanidols7 sells Elvis Presley scarves with fascimile signatures (signatures in pink and white!) for $2-$300 and calls them authentic. I just can't believe people buy some of this crap. He replied to his latest bad feedback by pretending to be the disgruntled buyer, "UPDATE WONDERFUL ITEMS AND ALWAYS GREAT SERVICE /THANKS". Ugh.

I took a look through the items this person has on ebay and I am sorry to report that nearly everything in the music generes are bad. You are right, there is some good stuff sprinkled throughout, but for the most part a total wash. What a shame, the possibility of nearly 7,000 people scammed. At only $10 per piece on average this guy has walked away with nearly a cool 100gs. Looking at the feedback, there are a lot of items that have sold in the hundreds.

I know a fellow collector that is an acquaintance of Rambo - Johnny Rotten's p.a. for over 30 years now. I will ask him if he would mind sending the auction link to Rambo to alert him of the matter as well.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I should have known you would be on a website like this James. right up your alley!! How have you been do you ever see the old gang anymore? I ran into Russ a few months ago. Email me sometime and ill give you my new number. i lost my phone & all my old contactsz a year ago.

Yeah - this dude on ebay is just horrible...D

PLUS looks like hes got a couple more ebay sites trying to find out which ones exactly are his. All in PA.
Hello Darren - Glad to hear you are still involved in collecting. I didn't know you had moved back. Yes, we will have to catch up sometime.


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