I wanted to report an ebay seller that has been selling countless counterfeit signatures with counterfeit COA's (mainly of Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Elon Musk and Steve Jobs)

They are currently going by the name "chicagogirl4". Here is a link to their profile: https://www.ebay.com/usr/chicagogirl4

They have sold what appears to be hundreds of thousands of dollars of fake autographs. They also have countless counterfeit Pablo Escobar relic items. It is a legit criminal operation.

What can be done about this? Perhaps we can report them or their items to ebay?

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Don't know but ebay doesn't always take action on these kind of accounts but should.

I don't know about ebay but maybe the FBI would be a better destination for a complaint.

One wonders about the advertising memorabilia - could these be fake as well (i.e. reproductions). They would seem to be doing well enough from sales of these - why add dodgy autographs to the mix?

FBI isn’t interested in targeting one specific seller on eBay. They are interested in operations where multiple layers exist and tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake. 

I don't think they care aslong as they get their cut of the sale, I've tried reporting or commenting on platforms to try to do something about it or warn buyers, reports never do anything in my experience and if you're on a platform that let's you comment on the listing they'll just relist the item to get rid of your comment, I wish there was more you can do but there really isnt in my experience.


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