This seller has more fake Steiner items
His ali stuff is just as bad as sanford_and_cuz with some coming directly from coaches corner!
Here is the links to his ali stuff that's so bad it's sad
Please look at his other items as he has a lot and I'm not familiar with the athletes

Steiner really needs to step up!!!!

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Actually the things you just mentioned aren't giveaways at all. I have gotten some STEALS on authentic pieces from brand new sellers with 0-5 feedback. The price doesn't necessarily matter either, I have purchased authentic Mantles for as low as $35 BIN. 

The main thing is just to use common sense. If you know NOTHING about autographs, then stick to something certified by JSA, PSA/DNA, Steiner, Mounted Memories, Schwartz, etc. Very reputable COAs, but be careful in any situation as seen by this post with the stolen Steiner certs. Avoid ANY "home made" COA, and realize that damn near every forgery has a bogus "COA" with it, a seller with 100% feedback, and a "Lifetime Guarantee". All of those mean absolutely NOTHING. Most of the forgery sellers I expose have well over 300+ 100% positive feedback, all that means is they ship quickly... 

Do not fall for "proof photos" as they typically provide zero ACTUAL proof. Take a look at the seller's other items, if they have every current star athlete/celeb's autograph then it is most likely junk. 

As for the signature itself, you will want to familiarize yourself with the person's autograph you are wanting to buy. Study known 100% authentic exemplars over and over, and eventually you will be able to spot the bad fakes. Signature speed is something that can be a dead giveaway on a forgery as well. Get a sharpie and sign your name like you typically do. Next sign it incredibly slow, and you will see the difference...

Hey thanks!

I kind of figure anything with a proof photo is junk.  I

My question is, how did you guys spot it as a fake?  It does come with a holograph from a reputable firm as you stated, yet even then, this isn't foolproof.  I can also understand what you said about signing speed, but wouldn't somebody with Parkinson's have a much more deliberate signing speed?  I'm have muscular dystrophya nd even I sign things nice and slow, I could even imagine somebody with advanced Parkinson's.


Experienced collectors have trained their eyes and can spot a suspect item. In most cases they are malformed, atypically slow and/or just "off" looking. This comes from experience and study.

In the case of someone with a physical infirmity, an experienced collector will be familiar with variations and have examples of old age or infirm signatures. 

I have been studying Mariano Rivera signatures for years. I have obtained him in-person, through-the-mail and have dozens of his signatures in my collection. I have probably viewed thousands of his authentic signatures over the years. This example supposedly from Steiner is undoubtedly a malformed, slowly drawn fake. There is not a doubt in my mind, this item was NOT signed under Steiner's supervision. It's not even close.

As above
Photo proofs are rarely that so don't be fooled

I have gotten steals too - I love people who won't buy off new sellers and only by items with coas! Lol

I would even go so far to say only purchase items from UDA, JSA and PSA that show up on their online database and been then if you aren't familiar with the auto post it on here because sometimes jsa and psa get it wrong.

UDA and now Steiner have had their coas and stickers placed on fake items so don't be drawn in by those
I really only collect ali autos and have seen every style under the sun. I've also seen every fake style there is. I could tell straight away that these weren't authentic.
While it is true his auto style differs it is still pretty easy to tell if it's authentic as there are certain "tells" in each style he has down throughout his life

I'm sure the others will tell you the same thing about how they picked up the other fakes mentioned in the thread

I see,

Thanks guys.

Is there anything one can do, like say contacteBay, to stop this sort of thing, or is it just cavaet emptor?

A member of the public can contact ebay and say the item is fake but they won't pull it if it has a Steiner coa since they are obviously an approved company. Ebay doesn't know if it's fake and if the member contacting just wants the item pulled over sour grapes or other motives etc

The only way for it to be stopped on a large scale from a seller with so many of them is for a Steiner rep to contact ebay directly. Once ebay hears it from Steiner themselves they pull the items and sometimes reprimand the seller and close his ebay and paypal accounts

Dane, just contact Ebay and they will address any concerns for you right away.

Lol. Now that's funny. :-)

I'm sure.

Anyway, thanks for the info.  Much appreciated.

Sportslegendsink is Gridiron Authentics new eBay name


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