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eBay seller thedrk16gony is selling a fake Ali autograph on a baseball. He originally got it from sanford_and_cuz and then had it painted by artist charles fazzino
It comes with Steiner, apparently, but the auto is a forgery. Sanford_and_cuz is a seller of forgeries with Steiner coas and has been a hit topic on this forum.
The ball originated from him (check the feedback)

eBay seller Thedrk16gony sold a fake Ali last week for over $1000 that was fake and had Steiner. It was actually a topic on here a few months ago as it was sold by. sanford_and_cuz as well. Thedrk16gony not only sold the fake auto but it originally had a "break" in the auto that was magically connected when he sold it!!!

Seller has been messaged and refuses to even reply

Here is the ball he has up now

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Here's a pic of the sold one with the fixed break in the auto
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Here is the ball as it was originally
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Here is the ball pre paint job from eBay seller sanford_and_cuz
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