It used to be that when I clicked on Forums, it would show me ALL new forum posts from all subforums. This was very convenient. Now it has reverted back to an earlier style of just showing a list of numerous subforums. I think that may be useful for people who have more free time, but I for one do not care to browse in many different subforums. Seeing all new topics from all forums on one page made it much easier to find something worth reading.

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There are some changes being made to the system which are affecting this and other functions on a short-term basis until everything is completed, after which they should all be restored.

Thanks, Gratefulphish.

B. Anderson, I'm making upgrades to forums and navigation that will make using the site easier and more productive...but frustrating at the moment.

First-stage upgrades will be in place later today, including navbar submenus. Please hang in there. Sorry for the inconvenience. 


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