A while back I decided to give Mike Frost from P.A.A.S. a chance to authenticate a few of my Beatles autographs. He was significantly cheaper than many of the other authenticators and I had seen his EBay auction a number of times. I decided to send him this mid 70's Harrison autograph which, in my opinion, is pretty cut and dry a genuine autograph. To my disbelief he responded saying that autograph was in fact NOT authentic! Along with this signature I sent him others as well which he deemed as not genuine. I felt terrible knowing that these were real and I was just taken for my money to the tune of $400.00+ dollars. After I received the signatures I did the only thing one could do. I mailed them off to Frank Caiazzo for a true authentication. As expected, the autograph was indeed authentic. I felt a little more vindication when I found out that his authentication services were puled from EBay. BUT! I just ran across another one of his ebay auctions trying to lure unknowing patrons to use his services for Beatles autographs! I was as you can imagine quite peeved. In my opinion, I would stay as far away from a Mike Frost PAAS Beatles authentication as possible. It is my belief that he has no clue what is real and what is not and I would advise to save your money and go with someone more reputable in this business. Take a look at the example for yourself and you be the judge!!!

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on a side note

I do a lot of watching and posting from my iphone and you have done a fine job with the mobile version of this website!

Have you thought about an app for smartphones?

Thank you! The mobile version is being improved, too.

We've thought about an app, but we have a number of things on our plate before we tackle that. Making the main site more user-friendly most of all. 

Why do you feel that the ink blots are signs of stopping and starting as opposed to having been caused by the pen's ink flow? The ink blots appear in areas in which it's clear that there was no interruption in the flow of the writing. The ink changes from light to dark and vice versa in various areas of the autograph, which shows that there was an issue with the pen's ink flow. 

ballroom, I am glad you addressed the ink blots.  While I agree  with Mike that these can be a flag on a forgery, in this case, as you presented, they do not indicate starts and stops, in fact, the signature flows very nicely.  its the pen that doesn't. There are too many positives in letter formation for this to be a forgery.

I agree. Mike pointed them out to me on Sunday and this is what I said:

I see the ink blobs you’re talking about, and the alternating lightness in the signing. But his autograph looks quickly signed and typical mid-70s to me. I think the weak areas and blobs are due to pen characteristics. Take a look and let me know.


I am sorry I missed a post from MeanMisterMustard, and I thought you were talking about the menu in question. I did not see the child menu from 1961 before. The menu with the signature is really a food receipt and it is from 1960. It really should not have any bearing on the signature as you said. This was just was one of several red flags that caused me to feel the autograph was not authentic. I am still working on some research , I guess at this point I am just crazy but I spoken to a friend that is a Beatles historian. He has a major Radio show and has personally interviewed both George and Paul. He has told me that if he remembered correctly George Harrison first and maybe only visit to Disneyland was in 1987 and that was to watch his friend and later band mate Roy Orbison perform. He said he will get back to be as soon as he locates the interview or exact statement.

Again this does not really has nothing to do with the signature, but I do fell like Columbo.


Just keep your trenchcoat closed please.

my god steve, you are making me laugh out loud!!

mike, so here we have a 1960 fast food ticket, signed by george in the late 70's, as per caiazzo, that dana carried around until she met george, at disneyland, in 1987? then she made up the story about how she received it in 1977?! where did you get the info. that the ticket is from 1960? because i have searched the internet and can not find this ticket or info. that states that. i'm not 100% sure but i don't believe they even offered something called a delux hamburger in 1960. in 1977 you could get a hamburger for .30 cents, and a big mac was only .65 cents at mcdonalds, so a delux burger for a$1.90 would be in line at disneyland. once again this is so stupid,.  and i regret where this has flown to. and it is not doing any of us good, and i wish i would have let it be. i am sorry it has evolved into this mess.

No problems as long as everybody acts professional and speaks in facts that could be backed up. I realize sometime things are said out of angry. I try my best to wait a while before I say or write anything that I may regret and that I may later be embarrassed by. That is such a hard lesson to learn but it is the best advice that I have received. I do have a call into Frank to explain myself and get his thoughts. Maybe one day we can all get together and get a Hot Dog.  My treat.


sounds like a winner mike, take care.

I think the historian is wrong . Petter Seller talks about himself , George and Shankar going to disneyland together in the Unknown Peter Sellers Dvd . You should be able to find it on netflix, the documentary . Peter Seller died in 1980 .


Here is a picture of George at Disneyland I found online . By the look of there clothes it has to be 70's.


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