Whats up collectors...just a quick forum I put together asking if any one sent items in to these leaders of authentication and got denied by an authenticator's mistake from an autograph you have received in person and or an autograph passed down to you that was an item that someone else got singed in person like a father, grandfather, brother etc. ?...Education is key in this industry of autograph collecting and a second opinion is also a great thing to have which also makes your item more valuable in the long run...but did anybody ever have something you know was 100% authentic and had it NOT pass authentication ? I personally never sent anything in to be authenticated that I got in person because I personally don't need a sticker and a piece of paper to prove its authentic all though when it comes down to having to sell something it would be handy to a less educated buyer that DEPENDS on a cert. for piece of mind for a second opinion, were as a more educated buyer would not hesitate to purchase your item because they KNOW what an authentic piece looks like....CERT. or no CERT. PLease post photos of your authentic piece that did not pass if this has ever happened to you...thanks for reading...happy collecting !!!

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It's happened to me. I don't live near Hollywood or anything like that so the only autographs I'm capable of getting are sports related. I've gotten 7 or 8 Derrick Rose autographs in person because I go to twenty or thirty games a year. 2 of those came after bad losses when DRose still stopped to sign auto's. They were ugly, that's for sure, and somewhat different from his usual autograph, I imagine because hates losing so much. I'm a Bulls fan and seeing those made me think of the losses so I decided to sell them. I sent them into PSA and both (signed at different times) came back as not authentic. I ended up selling them to an acquaintance for $150 (a good price for something that hasn't been authenticated) who knew that I had received them in person.


I tried to go where they're filming Man of Steel in Illinois. I had brought pictures in case I could get someone from the film to sign. No autographs and all I can say is that short British guy is a questionable fit for Superman.

I like that you add some autos were signed after bad loses... there's no question that athletes in particular in my experience sign differently depending on the moment...for example a bad loss...I would imagine even if Derrick Rose signed after a loss because hes a nice guy...but probably would have signed nicer if they won the game because of being in a better mood...just as players sign much nicer in person when your paying for it apposed to a free auto out side a hotel...true true
Great addition Mike...please add photos if you could...I would love to see them...I am not big on the music and entertainment auto industry and don't really have any experience in purchasing or seeing much but have seen many Michael Jackson autos...real and fake autos...I know once his tragic death hit the air waves the forgeries spread like wild fire on the MJ fakes 15 out of 20 easily  !!!!
Would love to see the signed album you saw Michael sign.
Thanks Mike, it's really great, love the framing too.

I know this is a sore subject of many collectors and some people want to grab torches and pitchforks when it happens.


But, what would you think of an authenticator that passed items only because the submitter said they were obtained in person? 


In my view, it's better to not pass 10 shaky "in-persons" than let one fake go through. I would much rather see them err of the side of being stringent.

Very good points...this is why I never send things to get authenticated that I got in person for a $100 non passing opinion
I will also add there's no question a buyer may well stay away from an authentic item with no cert. but a more educated buyer that knows there stuff would buy

Yes, I have.  I've sent 1000s of items to PSA to authenticate and a handful of items have come back without their certification despite knowing we obtained them in-person.  I even have video footage on a couple of them including a Miley Cyrus horrible squiggle and a Bruce Willis and when I get time will forward that to them to have them reconsider but I respect their process.  They use what they know to be 100% authentic in-person exemplars combined with their own in-person experience and evaluate the autograph based on that.  If it doesn't fall within those parameters of feeling comfortable, they don't pass it.  I agree also with Zipper.  I'm good with this system, especially considering it's the best we have for the general public.  I'm not concerned when items fail because I know it's not the PSA hologram that is selling my items, it's my company's established reputation and they sell with and without PSA. I'm also not naive enough to believe that everyone knows AutographPros.com so we pay to have the added authentication so that our customers get the best level of authentication out there including photos signing, video footage of the items being signed, the date and time the autograph was signed, and of course UACC Registered Dealer certification and PSA/DNA authentication.  

Unfortunately there's many forgers who will create fake stories about how PSA is failing in-person items as well as claim that PSA gives an open approval to dealers (or themselves) who give them a lot of business.  You can visit my site, there's nearly 2500 items right now on there with PSA authentication and I can tell you with great certainty, I'm given no favors.  These forgers want to see PSA fail because having a company that could point out their 100% forgeries is obviously going to hurt them. You also obviously have the other in-person collectors and average fans who are simply naive to the PSA process.  They pay the fees and then go ballistic online with posts and an anti-PSA campaign.  Like Brick stated, you have to understand there are circumstances and variances in autographs that will cause an item to fail.  In the end, in my experience if you are looking to add value to the autograph or quicken the sale of one, my advice is to use PSA. 


Michael Kasmar


2011 UACC Autograph Dealer Of the Year

UACC Reigstered Dealer #237

Accredited Better Business Bureau Member with Lifetime A+ Rating

I agree my self with Mr.Kasmar..you also make a great point that in no way shape or form are the actual forgers going to send in there garbage to be authenticated and pay money for it on a chance that it might pass when they know it will never pass comparing to the junk that's out there currently at auction or in the autograph market lately...its definitely the consumer sending there item in for a second opinion I would say that purchased an item that quite possibly was purchased from the seller who ALSO was not aware that have been duped OR had a fake or 2 get slipped in with there order....its a vicious cycle and it is in the most part the seller's responsibility to know what there selling not mater what there level of business is that there educated enough on knowing what there selling and received the items form a good source and not the old he said she said its authentic...
Hey Mike thanks for your comment...I am personally not bashing any of the authenticators I mentioned here one bit...that being said I own plenty of PSA/DNA and JSA items...I have used there system before and had items pass that I did NOT receive in person...I don't send in items I got in person because I collect for myself and I am not in the business or have my own web site or have the time to send items in every time I make a purchase because its not certified because I can tell an authentic from a fake form experience from getting them in person and collecting over the years...as a business like yours I understand that you may have sent in thousands of items to have them authenticated by the leaders of authentication for the soul purpose of selling them so the average consumer has there piece of mind there getting an authentic piece but your reputation is why people would make a purchase and not because of a piece of paper and a sticker or a hologram...with out a doubt...I do like that you add that of course the forgers would love to see PSA fail...the forgers have flooded the market terribly and I applaud these guys for doing there job and not passing flat out junk and I hope you don't think I am a forger because of this post...I joined this site to point out fakes and forged items all day just to be clear this is far from a anti-PSA ballistic online post rant campaign..just like your experience I would like to hear about other peoples experiences on items that were turned away even though you knew because it was signed in person that it was 100% authentic because I personally never sent in anything I got signed in person...now items being authenticated that are not is a totally different issue which has happened and on there defense...were all human...nobody is perfect
No worries mike...I should have been more specific on my drawn out response...It was responding to Mr.Kasmar..the other MIke


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