So every year Bill has his Murray Bro Charity golf tournament every year . I always wanted to go and saved my money up one year 2017 to go and happens to be the one year he didn’t show so I was pretty bummed . Busy still had wonderful time though I was there for Bill Murray as I’m huge fan . Each year they do donations through Prizeo app and I would always see Ghostbusters signed poster by Bill if you paid certain amount . Early on they were $250 then went up to $500 years later. So I purchased one and money went to great cause however when I received the poster the autograph ink looked odd to me . It could be because it’s done by those nice gel silver markers but you don’t see the typical inconsistencies of marker moving quickly on the signature . It seemed almost perfect . This def came from Murray Bro Caddyshack restaurant which I love !! Been there twice so far. However I saw a photo on their Facebook page that made me more concerned . Another poster that was won by someone at restaurant and the autograph is nearly 99% identical! The angle , way things lineup is scary close to mine to not be concerned I paid lot of money for auto pen autograph. Now I don’t want to bad mouth the restaurant or Murray Bro Charity event whatsoever. I fully support it and it’s for great cause . I hope I can make it down next year so bad as I still had great time . I know my money was donation and to good cause but I’m very concerned after seeing this photo on Facebook look nearly identical and already had suspicions about it from get go . Anyone familiar with auto pens tips or feedback would be great ! Here are the pics of mine and one on Facebook . I can only find one settle difference is the Y on my poster ends just above the H letter below it and the Facebook photo his Y goes just past it by very small bit . But everything else looks identical . I know autopens also look for dots ending and starting as well as shaky likes . It’s pretty smooth throughout though the Y looks little unnatural. 

Let me be clear in no way am I accusing Murray Bro Restaurant or the charity event giving out fake auto pen autographs however i am not concerned I donated lot of money that went to good cause but for possibility of autograph that was done by auto pen after seeing another photo of same poster where the autograph lines up way too close for concern and has me wondering . So any feedback would be great. 

First photo is split to compare . Mines on left side and other Facebook photo from restaurant is on right. Second photo is better shot of my poster and third is the one from Murray Bro restaurant Facebook photo giveaway I saw . 

Tags: Autopen, Bill, Murray

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Very cool. Glad they're making right.

So Murray Brothers came through and replaced the printed /or auto pen signature poster with a real hand signed  Bill Murray poster. Just got it in today! So excited and happy they made it right.

very nice! Im really glad they came through and this all worked out for you.. 

Thats an awesome full signature. Im jealous! Are you going to frame it?

Thanks buddy! 
It’s actually already framed too! I wasn’t expecting that . I was expecting to see just tube box in mail with just poster . But I opened my door and on the porch was huge square box . They sent it already framed it’s just hard to tell in pic . It’s aluminum thin black frame on it . 

Oh its a thin frame, didnt even realize in the photo, i was so focused on the signature. Nice

Haha! Yeah it’s very thin but nice durable aluminum. Here’s a better shot . It’s little smaller poster than the other one but I’m okay with that long as I got the real thing . For some reason I can’t rotate the photo sorry side ways . 


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