Just received letters from JSA in regards to Andrew Luck & Ben Roethlisberger 8 X 10 Auto's From HKYAUTO1 ebay ID - all forgeries I will upload Pics that were sold and rejected by JSA

This seller has Andrew Luck on his ebay store $32.99 guaranteed to pass 3rd party

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I have no idea how JSA could pass four loops without the seller having an "in" with the company.  You can't authenticate that on the basis of the signature alone.  That "guaranteed to pass" statement is almost always by cocky, not too bright forgery sellers.  Worthless statement on so many levels.

All the Letters from JSA were to let me know they were forgeries and no Pass, sorry for not being clearer. HYAUTO1 is a scam and needs to be delisted

What I meant is, they couldn't have possibly conclusively said "yes" to four loops that anyone could draw.  The best case scenario is "inconclusive."  That's why GA is authenticating every Luck forgery under the sun - because they know they can get away with it more easily than a legible signature. Luck is one you have to get from a public/private signing with appropriate documentation.

The seller has plenty of autographs with zero info about where they came from.  Clearly dirty.

Andrew Luck for $33 bucks? Folks that bargain shop almost always get hosed.

Amazing how few people ever send for authentication so at least you caught him Ken. Have you told the seller they failed and opened a case with eBay?

Yes I asked him to refund me , his COA says 100% will pass a 3 party or money back I will keep you posted he has 107 listings of forgeries on his site. All with the HYAUTO1 coa

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