First, let me say congratulations to Patriots fans! What an absolutely stunning comeback by Tom Brady and his teammates in Super Bowl LI. If there was even still the slightest question about who is the GOAT's now settled. Brady has 7 Super Bowl appearances (most all-time) and 5 Super Bowl titles (most all-time). And that comeback from down 28-3 starting with about 2:30 left in the 3rd quarter, is more than the stuff legends are made of. It just added even more to Brady's already untouchable legacy.

So tonight I was looking on eBay to see where prices are going, and I saw that Tristar is offering replica full-size Super Bowl LI Tom Brady signed helmets for about $1000 each. Since Brady is now widely-regarded as the best ever, will his prices approach the level of Michael Jordan UDA items? I'd say MJ signed UDA jerseys go for about $1500-$1800... I think. So are Brady items going to go in that direction?

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What’s your thoughts on this Tom Brady jersey. It’s from All Star Autgenics 

No good

You couldn't pay me to take a Tom  Brady autograph. 


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