Next week the Rolling Stones'll be five days in my city (Sao Paulo - Brazil).

I can get the autographs of 4? 

This last tour someone got the autographs of the band? How?
How is the routine of musicians? Leave the hotel for anything? Meet fans?

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You could try finding where they are staying and hang around outside waiting for one to appear. Keep pics and an album or so in a back pack. Jagger is very rare. You could try when they fly in but its rare they will sign. They would be in a VIP area. Sorry I'm not much help but they will not be easy.

It will be a great show.
I have been told that Jagger leaves the stage after the show gets in a limo and is gone from the venue well before the rest of the band. Your best bet is find out when flying in and try the airports and hotel. I see pics Jagger puts up on facebook of him doing some sight seeing. So you may get lucky if you know some of the popular attractions in town. Best of luck!

Thanks for the help friends (Ian, Paul and Adam)!
I already found their hotel. If I get hit, I turn to post the achieved autographs!

Good luck; - I suspect he will be quite difficult to get though!  I suspect though he will be highly visible and quite happy to sign autographs on 4 March for obvious reasons.  I wonder where the stones are playing then because that would be the time toget your autograph

It will be a waiting game, sometimes the best times are early morning walks or late night meals. Be prepared to put in a lot of time,  usually Wood and Watts are the most approachable. Good luck!

Now things will get even more difficult!

An employee of the band was killed in Argentina.

News from Rolling Stone Brazil:

Getting Stones autographs are not easy nowadays... Actually they are one of the hardest musicians to get in person, especially while they are on tour.

Just a few points which might be helpful for you:

  • They've got huge security - each of them have at least 2 bodyguards who prevent them from being approached or mobbed by fans.
  • Check if their hotel's got garrage - if it has, they will be leaving only via garrage so waiting in front of the hotel is pointless. If the hotel doesn't have indoor garrage, they might be using backdoor instead of main doors.
  • Forget airports as they will come straight off plane into their limos and will be driven to the plane on the way back.
  • Mick Jagger usually enjoys little sightseeing walk of the main sights/parks but beware as he does it either at very early morning (5-6am would be my guess) or late at night.
  • Mick & Ronnie usually enjoys dining at top restaurants. Though they offer book separate room and got high security so it's not easy to approach them during their meal (mind you, it's not polite at all!). I've seen that some fans suceeded during their current tour: 
  • Charlie is the nicest of them all and most approchable, followed by Ronnie. Mick will carefuly pick his moment to sign. He usually signed no more than once during visit in one city so you have to be there at the right time and place to be lucky one! Keith is like a ghost - he rarely leaves his hotel except of going to/from the show or airport and he is by far the hardest to get.

Good luck and let us know how it went!

Thanks for the details!

My autographs Stones were all purchased

and dedicated to others!
Mick in a LP; Ronnie in a book and Chalie a photo!

I have a lot of Stones that would pretty autographs!

Thank you all for your help! All the stories and details were very important!

My friends!

Here is a brief account of what happened in my search for the Stones. Thanks to everyone who opined, gave important tips and wished me luck.

It was very difficult to get some Stone in Sao Paulo.

I received from a friend the passenger list, the number of the flight, the company and the time that they would arrive in Sao Paulo (photo 1)

So I was in the airport lounge (photo 2). They landed by the military and escorted area.

They do parties in homes of high society people every night in the city (including Keith). At parties people were forced to leave their phones at the entrance. And Brazilian musicians who opened for the band could not carry cell phones and have access to backstage.

I managed to identify three cars Keith (his and the security guards + of his guests). But always they were smarter than me.I found a few restaurants that were, but not returned.

Mick was in a different hotel the whole band.

In the end I got much of his backing band:


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