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I don’t even see the follow or stop following button any more ? Any ideas ? I’ve logged out and logged back in but nothing ? 
thanks for any help .

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Might be a browser thing, as everything's looking fairly normal to me. What type of browser are you on?

I’m on my iPhone but tried Chrome and Safari ?

I'm still seeing the follow option on both Chrome on my desktop and Safari on my phone. Maybe it's something with your account - or phone - but I can't imagine what off the top of my head. Steve might have a better idea of what might be going on if it's the former.

I am not receiving every update anymore either, but I sure am receiving every Snoop Dogg update lol.

same, did not get an email on the Elton John thread today.....

Maybe we can ask admin to start a new thread for 2025 as a few of us are having the same problem ??

Hi, sorry to take so long to reply. Wasn't around much for the last month. Back now.

There should be a link at the bottom of the main page of this forum category. Select to follow and you should be notified of all new discussions, but not replies in them:


Notifications of replies to discussions are done per discussion. If you reply to a discussion you should be automatically notified. If you don't reply, you can click to follow it under the text box:

What I hope that helps. I get notification of new discussions automatically the same way that you would if you selected it. I have been getting them.

There's a link in each notification email to unsubscribe to all notices of new discussion, or if you're following a discussion, there's a link in each email to unsubscribe to that discussion.

Thanks a lot I have tried that again .. appreciate it.

This happened to me last year too. I tried to unfollow and follow again, but that didn't work. A few weeks later, I started receiving email notifications again, not sure why.


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