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I'm not a fan of this one but see what others say before puting on a sad face

I might add that they spelled their own name wrong. It's Collectibles not Collectables

It doesn't look like a '93 sig. And his sigs were still pretty nice during these years

Do you know when it was really signed if not '93?

And I wouldn't trust a COA who can't spell "collectibles" properly

Like I said... wait for a few other comments

Always be weary of a COA that guarantees anything but has no address or contact info on it. Just a quick google search pulled up nothing on this COA. If you have to dig deep to find them that's usually a bad sign.

I don't know the other cards at all 

But the main thing about the Ali is the actual Ali... looks like Alili. It slopes correctly and ends correctly but overall doesn't look correct IMO.  Does that make sense? 

What is IMO?

IMO = In My Opinion

IMHO= In My Honest Opinion


I looked as well and found nothing on this COA


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