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I am new to the forum but have been collecting "Hunger Games" autographs for some time.

I tend to avoid the red carpet squiggles which are so hard to get any sort of opinion on and go for the press junket ones.

I have totally given up on COAs and getting "experts" opinions - they differ so much as to be useless and they all have vested interests in the answers!

So I come to you good people, avid and knowledgeable collectors of in person autographs to give an opinion on three of my collection.

1.  a 2012 signature

2. This one from a press junket for Silver Linings in LA

and 3. this one said to be at a signing before the premiere of No Hard Fellings in London June 2023

Any opinions are very welcome - especially if anyone shares my interest in JLaws autographs


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i would go for number 3.

Sadly none have been accepted as genuine by two reputable authenticators - one in the US and one in the UK.

Not saying that they are fake but that those are not in the normal style of her signature.

Enquiries of her PR people have not been answered so it has proven impossible to verify the back story on these 3 photos - were they handed out at press junkets?? Did she sign them or secretarial sigs??

This one I know to be absolutely genuine and it is a good example of her normal signature which often gets rushed into just a squiggle for fans on the red carpet on in the street.


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