[Moderator Note: The member undert the name Jamal Crawford deleted the title, content and images he uploaded into this discussion. Closing a discussion is OK, deleting what members have participated in is not.

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Just in case it hasnt been mentioned and you are not aware. You can contact Roger Epperson for a quick 15 dollar opinion or send to him for his COA. As mentioned on this site hundreds of times he is one of the top rock authenticaters.

I'm going to send it to the biggest most reputable company I can find for my comfort, thanks for the suggestion though.

Here is something I found that made me feel much better... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v447/porsche550/JimHandwriting195...

Look at how he writes "major" (7 lines down) exact same swirl from the bottom of the J (rather than an S) into an O made exactly like the one on mine.  He does it a few other times in that link but that is the most obvious.  Yes most of the time he has the little swirl but this is in his natural hand writing and I have seen it before, like the one you said is fake Ballroom.  I just used the most credible site I can find and you still said it was fake...

I tried my very best to find out where I bought it but back then I had AOL and i don't remember the password to access the e-mail lol.  I know they had 10+ huge stores around the US, and 50,000+ positive feedback on eBay.  I had 30 days to check authenticity for myself and bring it back for a full refund if i wasn't satisfied.  I got it checked at 3 different places, this was before I could drive, my mom even remembers driving me lol.

Again...then you should really turn to Roger Epperson.

He is the best in music autographs and knows Morrison very well.

Who's the biggest most reputable company you can find?   Just curious.


Jamal, please keep your language in check.  Thanks


The signature you asked "I suppose this is fake too" is not authentic.  This is a common forgery.

The problem most collectors have is they compare signatures to forgeries and believe what they have is real.  Morrison signatures are extremely rare and in my 24+ years in the business I probably have only 60 signature exemplars unlike Hendrix where I have hundreds of.

It doesn't look like an authentic Morrison signature, even though the document is real.

So... I went to Roger Epperson's website, first thing i see.... 'PROUD SPONSOR OF LIVE AUTOGRAPH MAGAZINE" whaaaaaat a surprise, i wasn't expecting that at all....  I'm going to send it to a company that has a COA that actually means something, probably PSA but i haven't had the chance to really look into it.

So if that first link i provided is a fake fine, what about the letter I provided?  Look at the hand writing.  Are you guys hand writing experts or do you know how to just compare signatures and expect them to all have the exact same mannerisms every time?  That's a joke, considering we are talking about Jim Morrison, the man was drunk and on several substances almost always.

Again i'm no expert, I don't know who you people are other than people on a forum pushing me to get something checked by a sponsor of yours.  Look he even responded to my thread, i guess i got the $15 deal for free lol, i must be special...  Or am i going to be billed for that?  Would you like to send me an invoice?  What a joke, lol.

If you guys really cared about helping you would provide links as i requested and make your points with facts, rather than just disputing everything I write and sending me to your sponsor....  

Also Mr. Epperson - I never compared my signature to fakes until i came here, i paid professionals to inspect the signature while I had time to return the item to the store while I had a chance for a full refund.  Again, read my OP, I didn't ask for any of this, but I got it and now you have concerned me and I will get in inspected.

I'm done going back and forth because we are going around in circles.  My next post will either be a picture of a COA or a video of me setting the thing on fire.  

Good day gentleman.

I look forward to seeing what response you get. The COA or fire idea sounds like fun.

Jamal, I don't see why you are getting so excited. You came here and got free opinions. It is said if you are keeping it and believe it is real than by all means enjoy it. I have signatures people on here said they were unsure of but I just got what I paid for--various levels of expertise and opinion for no cost.

You asked about value. If deemed authentic, I estimate it would sell between $2,500 and $4,000.00.  This is my guess based on watching autograph auction results for over a decade.  


You turned on your computer, you found our autograph site, and if I'm not mistaken you actually created an account all by yourself, and then asked for opinions on the worth of your piece.

Epperson happens to be the #1 guy in Music, its why people suggested him.  And yes he's a member here.  The fact that he takes the time to log in on occasion to help out at NO cost, is a great service to our forum. 

Good luck with your hunt to find someone to authenticate it for you.


PSA DNA just failed it via quick opinion. 

So you join the site asking for opinions which you get. You get told it's fake and don't like it so argue with everyone. Please end to PSA etc they will charge you money to give you the same answer and you will no doubt then claim they are useless.

Maybe you should send to Steve Sipe, Drew Max or Chris Morales as they will definitely give you the authentic answer you want and then you can have a fake autograph with a useless COA.

People on here give opinions for free and have some amazing knowledge from many years and help the hobby no end so perhaps grow up and accept your item is not the holy grail and is a forgery.


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