JSA is passing fake autographs by the hundreds for eBay seller dirty_water_ink

musicandmore-nyc and gothamcitygraphs 

Study these autographs protect yourself!!

I came across these two sites while searching eBay. Not a single item is authentic, I am almost sure that this is the same forgery ring that circulated the mass amount of forgeries that GAI was passing 1-2 years back, you may be familiar with the eBay name dirty_water_ink, well I am no professional but I can say that I fell victim to a forgery sold by that seller and since then I dedicated some of my free time to study the forgeries they were producing to protect myself (even after they changed their user I.D. to hide) probably more than anyone I know, and I am 100% sure that this is dirty_water_ink, only this time JSA is passing the items!!!!!!! Shame on you JSA. I guess it is true what they say about the company being ran by children! 

How can JSA be considered more credible than GAI if they are passing the same forgeries that GAI stopped passing?

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Sadly the forgers are catering to the "Sticker Collectors" who only buy with JSA or PSA attached and refuse to buy based on the autograph. 

Sellers who are able to get items mass authenticated are helping ruin this hobby and PSA and JSA etc need to stop this service and authenticate based on the signature not based on the amount of business they are given

I’m not familiar with most of the other signatures offered by these sellers, but the Doors signed “L.A. Woman” LP from gothamcitygraphs looks very good to me.

I agree. I have their book, "The Doors" by Ben Torres signed by all three and they are identical.

Here it is:

I don't know whether or not Rick Johnson is Steve Sipe or not. Sipe is adamant it isn't him, but if he told me it was a beautiful day, I'd run for the storm shelter. Yesterday he texted me that Rick Johnson contacted his office on June 10 and told the person there to go to three specific sites on eBay. Once he "saw the new sites and confirmed them with the junk on Dirty_Water_Ink" he texted me. Sipe said he "could not believe that JSA had done this stuff for them." (Sipe's exact wording in quotes.)

So maybe Rick Johnson is someone else. Only he and Sipe know for sure. But whoever it is, I'm glad this situation has been brought to the attention of our members to look into.

Right on Steve. Its obvious to me that "Rick Johnson" is either Sipe, or at the very least an associate or a goon from the defunct ANL. Certain people are waiting in the shadows for any chance to slam JSA and PSA. Right now certain companies are like 10th tier with JSA and PSA up near the 2nd tier. And these groups cant wait for JSA and PSA to get caught up in a scandal so they can try and claim there companies are just as good as there's. When in reality, if it turns out that if JSA and PSA are certing certain sellers items blindly and are exposed for it (and if they are doing this, i hope they are exposed), PSA and jSA will still look infinetly better as far as track record then there companies. We all know who these companies are that are trying to do this. But it certainly is a good thing that this is coming to light. Even if the reason it is coming to light is b/c certain groups are trying to run down the name of competitors that they cant compete with. And there are many who are trying to do this.

I dont understand a few things though Steve. The first is that Rick Johnson claimed that you gave him Steves number so he could talk to him. That was a couple days ago, but now Sipe is claiming Johnson called him on the 10th to alert him. If thats the case, why would Rick Johnson need the number from the moderator here to contact Sipe, if in fact he had already contacted Sipes office once before. Doesnt make much sense if people are being honest.

Also, Sipe is stating some random dude who supposedly doesnt know him, found some supposed forgeries on ebay being certed blindly by JSA, and the random dude decides to contact Steve Sipe of GA???????????????  How does that make any sense on any planet. There are many avenues to report forgeries. We know ebay doesnt do much about it, but who in there right mind, would say, oh yeah look at these forgeries, this looks like a job for Steve Sipe????  

What is perhaps even crazier is the fact that Rick Johnson claims that JSA is equal to the defunct GAI and that JSA is taking over certing forgeries from GAI. Funny thing about that though, is that there is an association between GA and GAI. They arent the same companies, but from my understanding some of the same employees were involved at each company, and i cant tell you how many times you see collectors confusing GAI/GA and thinking they are the same company. And since Rick Johnson obviously has a low view of GAI from his comments, then it makes the odds so much less that the person a random guy would chose to comment about these forgeries would be Sipe. 

Then you have the text message he sent you.

The whole situation reaks of deceit and greasyness. I know who Rick Johnson is isnt really paramount in this situation. But it seems blatantly obvious to me that this is being presented to try and give certain companies excuses to smear JSA and PSA and tell people how awful they are and that there companies are in there league.  If this is true about PSA and JSA, i hope they get what they deserve for it, but the motives behind this reak to high heaven

Roger Epperson resigned from James Spence Authentication today. He said he wrote the Spences Wednesday after he read this discussion and looked at some of the music autographs, but he never heard back from them.

I think he still would have resigned even if he had heard back, since he has major problems with most if not all of the music he saw that those eBay sellers were offering, but it would have been nice for them to respond to him. 

This thread is really disappointing.  I would have expected better from JSA, in the least an explanation as to what occurred and how they are planning on dealing with it.  Silence is not good

At the end of the day all these TPA are a business with an eye on the bottom line. PSA had a great idea and put together a good business plan and led the charge. They did a good job and made a lot of money. Which brought others into the field. Now the competition is so fierce that the hobby has been tarnished forever. Every single TPA that is open to authenticating anything and everything whether they have experience or not has had major integrity issues. All of them are guilty of it.

They are not in this for the hobby or the interest of the hobbiest. I laugh that so many folks believe they are. Those are the sticker collectors. If they were here for the hobby they would be doing it for free.

Was this simply a statement in error at the time?
I'm researching these old threads trying to educate myself, at times, there seems to be contradictory information.

"Reply by Steve Cyrkin, Community Manager on June 13, 2014 at 11:34am
Roger Epperson resigned from James Spence Authentication today. He said he wrote the Spences Wednesday after he read this discussion and looked at some of the music autographs, but he never heard back from them.

I think he still would have resigned even if he had heard back, since he has major problems with most if not all of the music he saw that those eBay sellers were offering, but it would have been nice for them to respond to him."
The first and second sentence here doesen't seem to jibe? (forgive me, not good with images saved to my phone)
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