
When I was in the third grade (born in 81), I wrote a letter to Mario at the Civic Arena and received this:


It was part of a class "write letters to get stuff" project..for whatever reason, most folks wrote to Paul Coffey, but anyways.

Over the years, it's occurred to me that I've not seen a similar looking autograph from Lemieux..just loops and scribbled whereas this is tremendously legible and even has a nice personal dedication..  I haven't seen the card itself anywhere else since...searching on the net found the card that is hopefully attached from 89/90 ...looks very similar but is obviously a different picture..

It came in an envelope with the Penguin's logo, and there was nothing inside except the picture.  Never really knew if it was some secretary or if Mario really took a minute to do something nice for a kid back in the day before he became ultra famous and just started scribbling loops.. 

Anyways, If anyone is able to shed any further light on what this is, it would be appreciated.  Not interested in selling it. Just curious after all these years.  

Much thanks!

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