I recently found this at a store that I visit daily and would like to see what everyone here thinks about this autograph/note by Marlon Brando (?). Thanks for your time.
What’s really weird about this one is if it’s fake, why did someone write a note with the autograph on this first print of his book. He used XX in another autograph that i found as well. A lot of the lower case letters in his name is same as the other autographs I’ve looked at.
Same store I found Bruce Springsteen, Chris Hadfield, Hillary Clinton,…. signed books mixed in with normal books.
One other opinion from a specialist in Brando stuff says he’s thinking secretarial.
Just an update with this, I found another auto in the same book/edition that looks the same style as this one. This is 1hr away from where I live. I know he was in Ontario and Quebec from the 90-00s filming movies. Will eventually do a pre auth online.