Does anyone have a Contact number for Michael Wehrmann?..Trying to get in contact with him...Thanks,,

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Thank You..Will reach out..

I am finding many different opinions about the value of Michael Wehrmann Autographed merchandise . I have 6 or 7 framed and autographed photos we bought during that late 1990s - 2000 at the gallery in Disney World

would someone please comment on this or reply to me directly.

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Michael Wehrmann is highly trusted, and he deserves that trust. From what I heard, he supplied autographs for a gallery owned by Disney at Disneyworld.

I don't recall ever hearing of any authenticity problems with Wehrmann autographs sold through that Disney owned gallery, or any sold anywhere. You will, however, occasionally find forgeries being sold with fake Wehrmann COAs.

BTW, for years, until 2008 or so, there were galleries at Disneyworld and Disneyland not owned by Disney that sold very few autographs, if any, that weren't forgeries. They definitely were NOT supplied by Wehrmann.

If you'd like, post the others for opinions. I don't know The Sopranos well enough to comment on super-fast autographs like those, but the Connery looks real to me.

Never had any issues with authenticity with any autographs purchased from Michael WEHRMANN..Highly Reputable..

The Disney thing concerned me as well. FWIW, I have never hard of any authenticity problems with his material - just watch out for some very rushed sigs is all I could say.

IF memory serves this is a Wehrmann Bowie - this is what I mean by inordinately rushed:


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