Have a friend who's aunt lost her husband a while ago and she is wanting to move several Pete Rose autos that she going in one of his storage lockers . (35) balls in total (2) bats and several photos . Don't know value or best way to move them . She said he got all of this from a boat show her husband was running and he ended up with all of these.

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These items look good, however they are not worth a whole lot. Pete Rose is a signing machine and his signature is extremely common. I'd put the bats at around $100 each and the balls around $40.

You could drop them on ebay, but without certification, you are going to get low market value, plus pay eBay fees. You could sell them to a card shop, but they will probably give you 30 - 40% of fair market value. Perhaps your best bet would be to offer them here in the buy sell section. Price them low enough and provide a good picture of the exact item you are selling and I'm sure you could sell some without eBay fees.

Good luck.

Hey , thanks Mr. zipper ! I wasn't interested in them and figured they wouldn't be worth a whole lot , lol . But I am going to help her the best I can so she doesn't make any mistakes or get completely screwed . Appreciate and value your input very much ! Cheers !

Who is the president of the National League on the baseballs?

Leonard S. Coleman

Give the guys over at Leaf trading cards a hollar, they may buy the bulk off of you.

I have a feeling she wants more than what they would give her . I'll talk to her tommorow though
Thanks for the advice also . I'll give them a call if you believe them to be good people to work with . I know if it were me I'd try to sell them separately but it up to her

those look like Leonard Coleman baseballs


Yep . Leonard S. Coleman . Don't know if that is good or bad.

Not bad but Bart Giamatti baseballs are better because he banned Ruth and passed away shortly thereafter. 

That would be cool . Are Rose autos on Giamatti balls more valuable ?


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