I've been a Prince fan since he woke me up out of the coma that was my Reagan Era adolescence.  I later spent a good part of my twenties going to every Prince concert, television taping and public appearance that I could. I have a lifetime of great memories (and a few cherished personal encounters) filled with music, humor and spirituality.

   Here's a signature from my modest collection of Prince memorabilia. I have no doubt as to it's authenticity so maybe this is the wrong forum for this posting, but I just thought I'd share it as an example of his signature when he was at ease and in his element. On one occasion that I was fortunate enough to speak to him I inadvertently referred to myself as a fan. He replied that he preferred to think of me as a "friend". That pretty much says it all. Rest In Peace "Friend".

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Ditto. And no I am not a dittohead!
Wow, what a great story, Syreena! Thank you for sharing it. I'm sure we'd all love to hear more details about your experiences in your friend's world. And, as you already know, that autograph is a no-doubter!

   My first encounter was on December 26th, 1985. I was a musician involved in the L.A. punk scene of the time and a friend was working as a sound tech at Sunset Sound (recording studio). He knew I was a Prince FREAK and he tipped me off that Prince was there doing some post production work on the Parade album, which would be released a few months later in April 1986. I slipped into the studio and stood silently in the dark against the back wall until they took a break. My friend introduced me to him. I was a hot mess. I don't even think I formed a single cogent sentence. We exchanged pleasantries and that was it. I tried to remain low-key for the remainder of the session and watched from a distance as my friend worked with Prince at the soundboard. After a little less than an hour Prince got up and left.

   The second time I met him was when he called me out at a late night aftershow at the Palace in Hollywood, following the first of two Lovesexy shows at the L.A. Sports Arena on November 6th, 1988. He had the house put a spot on me and said "OOh Ms. Thang- I'm scared of YOU!". I would later learn he was expressing his admiration of my androgynous attire. He then whispered something to Sheila E. and she approached the edge of the stage and handed me a tambourine. Before the show ended (at 4:45am!) his tour manager's assistant approached me and asked if I was attending the following night's Lovesexy show. I told her I had attended the night before and I would surely be there the next night as well but that I had only been able to procure concourse seating, at which time she said Prince would like me to attend as his guest and handed me two VIP tickets and a backstage pass, with instructions to speak to "Carlos" at Gate C. I could barely sleep that night reading all kinds of significance into what this all meant and what would happen next (would Prince put me in a video? Would he ask me to marry him?) but I just ended up mulling around backstage and never even saw Prince until he was leaving. He stopped briefly in a crowded service corridor to ask how I liked the show and thanked me for being a good sport the previous night, before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke (not really but I giggle at the thought).

   The last time I saw him was in 1993 backstage at a taping of the Arsenio Hall Show. He called out "Ms. Thang!" and complemented me on my prowess for getting backstage to which I replied that it was a small feat for a BIG fan. He replied that, if it was alright with me, he would prefer to think of me as a "friend". Now, I know he was just being gracious, but I think it speaks volumes about his generosity of spirit. After that I would get a knowing glance or nod of the head whenever I could get close enough for him to see me at a show or some other appearance, but I never got to speak to him again. Next time I'll tell you how Prince took my virginity!- sort of (lol).

Syreena, thank you for sharing...absolutely fantastic....cannot wait to read the next installment....wonderful


Hi Paul- Probably not the scandalous tale you expected but I DID get your attention, didn't I? (lol).

Hi Julie- Embarrassing, really. I grew up in Burbank, Ca. My first time was in 1981. I was a few months shy of turning 17. It was with a Warner Bros executive. My motive? I wanted an advance copy of Prince's Controversy, and yes- Prince provided the soundtrack to my "deflowering" (lol). "Dirty Mind" was the selection (how apropos). I'm not proud of this decision. In hindsight, the guy was all kinds of wrong for getting with someone underage, but it DID lead to countless "perks". Most notably, it led to my being hired by the marketing department for the growing Home Entertainment division, a job that I held for eight years. This set me on the right track to gaining access to countless wrap parties, premieres, award shows and private screenings. It was also the first step to making connections with individuals at many of the local studios, like NBC ( most notably The Tonight Show), Universal, Disney and, later,  Paramount. Ironically, my autograph collection didn't benefit all that much, as most of the autographs I collect are of movie stars from the 20's-60's, most of who were dead by the time I started collecting. So there you have it- Prince took my virginity (lol)!

What is your prince signed on?

Thanks Paul- I forgot to disclose that. The signature close-up is from a personalized short note on the back of a placemat from The Valley Tap House, a Minneapolis restaurant and pub known for it's beer selection. He would often go there after late night gigs at First Avenue in the 80's and early 90's. He also frequented another joint known as Burke's Bar & Grill, a local blues and r&b joint. All the local musicians "work out" and hang there. Great bohemian vibe. If you love live music and you're ever in Minneapolis be sure to check out Burke's.


This thread reminds me of the tv show called Vinyl, but it was made to be in the 70's.

I love that show. Sucks they cancelled it. That was the scene I first longed to be a part of. The city was coming apart at the seams but the music and art scene was at it's zenith. I was obsessed with Debbie Harry and modeled my younger self after her. I wanted desperately to hang out with the likes of Grace Jones and Mick Jagger at Studio 54. I eventually DID run away to New York but by then that scene was on the decline.


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