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I'm not sure if these are supposed to be sold online but I'm starting to see them pop up, i've ordered 1 from each store and hope they don't cancel but i figured this would be a good place to add additional stores we find. Heres what i found so far



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They debited funds from my account instantly and my bank sent me texts stating Daddycool and Streetlight had just been paid.

Maybe yelp.com - I have to deal with these clowns too as I have not been refunded. I liked your comment of daddycrap yesterday. still chuckling on that one.

Thanks Steve!!

Seeing the singnatures of the CDs people got instore yesterday there is no way I’m paying $150 on those.

Sure I’d have paid retail but they are all like camouflage on such a busy cover already.

I had all my online orders cancelled so I will happily not pay these reseller prices and not feel I’m missing out.

Tend to agree, but still kinda wanted one to go with my copy of UL. But not really worth much over retail to me at this point = not happening. Lol

I like this one better. Even though you can see the autographs better on UL, this artwork is better IMO. I would like both but I'll take what I can get. 

I 100% agree

That guy is rediculous, I knew he would jack the prices up. I got 4 there Friday night and he was charging $30 each

Anyone take a screenshot? We need to report these dishonest record stores

The guy was a complete d*****, when I was in there he still had 10-15, told me he was holding on to them for the weekend. We had a big record show today, so Im sure he unloaded them there at a higher price.

Even record stores are upping the prices on these?? Lol 


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