Thanks for accepting me the group , can anyone help determine if this item is genuine  .

I have seen similar signed heads which have the facsimile signatures but never seen another which looks quite like this one especially with the "lip" logo under the Ron Wood Signature .  It would date to around the mid to late 80s as this is when both the drum head is from and has the Bill Wyman Signature . 

Any help would be appreciated 

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Not authentic imo

Sorry, not real at all.

Thanks for responding, how can you tell?  

Poor forgeries.

Very fake.

Thanks for all the comments, can anyone explain what is not right with it for future reference.


these autographs are just attempts and some of these autographs could foul many but when you study them closely and take some time than the conclusion is ''not authentic''. the wood and richards are very close but the rest very poor - 

Thanks for taking the time out v o explain its much appreciated. 


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