Any opinions on this autograph?

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In my opinion it is not real. 

In my humble opinion, fake.

+1 not real I'm afraid

Thanks to all. I knew did did not look like the authenticated ones I could find but thought it might be an earlier authentic version.

Randy, Even back in the day her in person autograph was not that straight line, clean or pretty. 

I found one other example very close to this one out of Europe for sale on Ebay but it was not exact so I knew it was not an autopen. Just a forgery I assume.

Randy, Horse shoes and hand grenades, also I understand, darts can be close. You did not show an example of your latest find. I do hope you have spent more than 10 minutes studying Sandra Bullock's autograph.

I deal in sports autographs and know them pretty well. I bought a large sports autograph collection that had a few celebrity autographs and this was the best one value wise if authentic. I did a cursory review of authenticated examples but figured there would be experts here who knew her autograph and I certainly was not going to study for hours or days on a single celebrity autograph. I just wanted to know whether or not to destroy it or sell it. I have my answer thanks to you guys.

Randy, This is a community site, when I see someone needing  an opinion on a actress that I have an in person example of I will give an opinion or I will spend some time checking for sale or sold on the net because I have collected many years and could give an educated option. In the past weeks I asked for opinions of historical importance, that no on had an opinion of. I also asked for opinions on common Hollywood celebrities, again,  no replies. I also asked opinions on Yogi Barra, a 1936  Jesse Owens and a Washington Redskins Larry Brown also signed by Bob Hope….In your opinion are Barra , Owens and Brown so rare, sports collectors can not spend a few minutes of there time for an opinion? Nothing personal, just seems like a one way street.

Berra and Brown are common. Jesse Owens is tougher. Bob Hope is very tough because of secretarial examples that are very good. I do not spend much time on here but I do opine from time to time if I see something I am well versed in. As I said, I am not a collector. I did not want to risk selling something that was not authentic but I also did not want to spend $50 and wait 3 months for a 3rd party service to give their opinion. I appreciate your help and knowledge. 

Randy, Yes, the hard one is a Owens signed 1936 Ohio State……I would have thought after the 1936 Berlin Olympics he would have signed something along the lines of "Olympic Gold Medalist". Do you have any knowledge of Lee Evans, Mexico Olympics, won the gold and stood on the awards platform with a raised fist…..many photos of the same..

I am old enough to know about Evans and the raised fist but have never studied his autograph.


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