Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath book restocked Iron Man: My Journey Through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath

Tony Iommi ‘Iron Man: My Journey Through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath

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They ask you for all that info on their site before it goes to paypal.  

That's interesting because I never entered cc info on their site when buying. Because I paid via PayPal.  Their site took me to PayPal. I logged into PayPal, authorized the charge, and it brought me back to the order confirmation.  

Not sure what you were doing. You shouldn't bl have had to add any cc details if you went through PayPal- unless you were updating a payment method on your PayPal account.  

Again, I'm guessing you have some kind of malware on your device. 

I must say, the site is a little confusing. They tell you to pay via PayPal, but you can also enter your CC information on the site if you don't have PayPal, but they kind of make it sound like that payment method is also PayPal, but likely not. Anyway, if you entered your CC directly on the site there's always a chance the issue stemmed from that.

I never had to enter my cc on the site. 

But if they have a virus on their device it'd also compromise their data. And it'd explain why I'm not compromised,, you aren't, and nobody else is on here, or on FB groups that has this posted, is complaining about their data bring breached.  

I'm going with the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.  

where on Facebook?  I swear you try to warn others about something and it turns to drama.  I shopped one place with one card.  I dont have malware on my ipad.  Time to move on and I wasnt complaining just warning. End of subject

I wouldn't be surprised if this website uses outdated software. Paypal still has some older gateways live which are in the process of being sunsetted.  They can't just pull the plug because retailers would complain they need time to make the adjustments, but that also means retailers could be behind in security. 

Usually leaked creditcards are being sold in bulk. It might be awhile before a stolen card is being misused, if ever. My bank recently blocked a fraudulent transaction and blocked my card. It could have been because a purchase I have made to this website or another in the past. It's very difficult to be sure. 

Keep being alert. Keep warning eachother for any risks.  And while it could have been a virus or unsecure WiFi, I wouldn't dismiss a well-intended warning out of hand. 

I guess part of that is my point.  I'm about being careful but also about being accurate and something isn't adding up.  I used to run an e-commerce site and had a credit card user accuse my site of bring insecure years ago. And the person who got the victim's cc bought a lot of high-end equestrian stuff.   When it was investigated by police due to the $$$ involved, it was determined the victim used their cc at a hotel for a security deposit and the front desk clerk took an image of the card front and back and already had the physical address and email from a 3rd party booking site.   They'd been targeting weary travelers who were tired at check-in-in. So my site has nothing to do with it. 

But by the time that was known they'd already badmouthed my site on the Internet in multiple places.  What I'm saying is it's unlikely they can say with authority that the site and transaction in question is where they were hacked. Especially when they said they used PayPal.

I'm all for warning people of possible danger.  But I'm also about being accurate and something isn't adding up.  So as well-intentioned as they are with a warning, I'm unconvinced they know where they got hacked.

And then there is the fact that nobody this forum, RACC, Reddit or other places are reporting an issue.  Most cc scammers generally rush to use a card or sell the info since as soon as a transaction is reported fraudulent the card dies.   Which means if the info is compromised elsewhere, the info becomes worthless.   

So I'm just saying be vigilant.  But I'm guessing they weren't hacked where they think they were and there is probably no to minimal risk for anyone on here due to the site in question.

But I will advise folks to check your checking account twice a week and your credit cards accounts at least once a week as a standard practice because you do have limited windows to report fraudulent transactions if the bank doesn't catch them.  Use PayPal for an extra layer if protection if it's an option and you're unsure if a site. Vary your passwords, and be especially vigilant checking in at hotels and when using public wifi.  Those are big ones.   

I can see both your points.

You have to be careful pointing the finger at a shop because it is extremely difficult being 100% certain. Yet I think a warning is ok in this case. If nobody warns then we definitely would keep using unsafe websites.

You have been very thorough in explaining the risks. One thing I would like to add is that "using Paypal" does not necessarily mean what most think it means.

You have Paypal as a service where you login first and all CC info is kept in your account. I do not think that is what was being meant here. The website in question also uses Paypal as a payment gateway. You can enter your CC info on the website and then it is sent to Paypal who handles the transaction. This is way less secure. Especially if the site is using outdated services, which looking at the site is a possibility (I haven't done a thorough scan but the website seems a little outdated).

Most here buy from a lot of different shops. Unless it's a store I buy from often, I never let them keep my CC info on file. If you can, use a service like Amazon Pay, PayPal or Shop where they keep your card info instead of the website.  It's those services business to keep your info safe, so they spend much more resources on security than any individual webshop can. 


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