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TPA Celebrity Chasers (Paul Yanez) // anyone know this guy?

some of the better Rush Forgeries I have seen but still forgeries

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further private research reveals this clown to be a well known forgery seller and is to avoided.

These are very good Rush forgeries so it goes to show... NEVER buy without getting trusted opinions first. I know many keep saying "trust your own eye", but sometimes it takes several eyes to come to a conclusion.

these are indeed done by someone who's been practicing and would easily fool a novice. 

luckily Rush has an authorized man who has been given the power to remove forgeries from ebay. Proving again how classy the band is to protect themselves and the fans. 

The Lifeson signature is the one that instantly stood out to me.

for me too, it was the "Lifeson"

the Neil Peart was tougher and it actually took Neil's personal authenticator to deem it a forgery. 


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