Hi, My dad went to work , age 15 at The Imperial Hotel, Torquay , England, summer of 1963.

The Beatles only concert appearance in the seaside town of Torquay and they performed at the Princess Theatre.

My dad served the Beatles in the restaurant and chatted quite a lot with them.He told me that he took a menu from the restaurant and later , after work, went to their  hotel rooms, knocked on the doors and they all signed the menu for him. He told me that John and Paul were in one room and Ringo and George in adjoining room. There was no security, he was invited into their rooms, chatted an then left with the menu.

My dad has since passed and I am wondering what the value of this original dated menu  would be worth if I was to sell this.



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"I think that they are great signatures and on an item that almost tells it’s own story."

Exactly, that is the "extra texture" I was talking about - love it. It adds a whole other dimension, more than a dedication I think.

Thank you Karl for adding your comments.

It more valuable than we thought it was. It has sentimental value to our family but we cannot share it between three children. so we will probably hope to sell as seen.

How do we go about selling this?

Julie, I have a John Lennon signed book that suffered from cello tape staining. I just got back from an art restorer who felt the cost to restore the book would be more than any incremental value gained seen it was sold. I suspect the same would be true for your signed menu. I personally would sell it as is.

So how or where to sell. First choice is to sell it yourself if you have the expertise. Second would be to sell it through a third party for a commission. Thirdly sell it through an auction house. Lastly sell it to a dealer.

Selling it yourself can be done on sites like eBay if you have an account. If not perhaps a third party sale

A seller could be found and they would sell the item on consignment for a commission - usually in the 15% of the sale price. Some consignors would have you send them the item and they do the while sale. Payment is made to you when the buyer pays. You would net the sale price minus the sellers commission and perhaps the ebay and paypal commissions depending on your agreement. Or the seller takes a 30% commission and you would get the sale price minus the 30% commission.

Another way is to use a seller to sell the item but payment would go to you and you are responsible for shipping the item to the buyer. You would incur the selling fees and would pay the seller the agreed to commission. Sometimes the easiest route.

Using an auction house like Omega, Bonham's Christie's or Sotheby's can be good and they charge a selling commission between 15 and 20 per cent. Again you would send them the item and they do the rest. No guarantee on price and you would need to set a reserve to protect your investment.

Lastly selling to someone like Tracks UK is good but usually at the very low end of the spectrum as they have to resell it at a profit.

If you would like help in selling it I would be pleased to help you out. Len

Hi Julie,

Please, be sure to get a HIGH DPI or high resolution scan (printed and saved on disc as well) of this to be printed and framed among you and your siblings! It will look great and the memories are what is TRULY valuable. When you tell the story the image will be invaluable. Your dad met the Beatles!!!!!!!!!!

I would contact Perry Cox on ebay about a possible consignment. He is very well trusted in The Beatle's community and his LOA will give people confidence. There are three coas that carry the most weight for Beatle's collectors. Frank Caiazzo, Tracks, and Perry.

Tracks probably wouldn't give you close to what it is worth if you get an offer from them.

Perry will consign it for a fee based on what it sells for, but that includes ebay fees etc. I would suggest at least contacting him. Perrydcox@aol.com

It is a nice piece! Good luck!

Thank you Adam, very much appreciated.

 I will contact him , is it worth contacting the others too.

Hi Julie, quite an item you have. Some here had had restoration work done - if you ask someone might make a suggestion. I do not know what route you are taking to sell this, but eye appeal is paramount. I don't know what other folks think, but your item is, to me, a candidate. The work must be done by a professional and it must be done correctly. I am talking about the slight reduction of the staining - nothing more at all. This is complicated to get done correctly and perhaps best left for the next owner for your purposes.  

What I have suggested - I did not express myself correctly. I will show an example of what i mean when I get back home. What I am suggesting would likely not be readily noticeable to Adam - I am not talking about any removal of age. I am talking about the very slight mitigation of perhaps the 3 or 4 most distracting stains, nothing more. 

Hi Erik,

 Thank You Eric, My dad was very proud of it and he told his story many times to his children and grandchildren, But how do you share something like this?

Very interesting, you guys are very knowledgeable.

I am just searching for what would be the best way to sell.

Restoration is not for me, I agree it is something for the next owner if they wish.


Hi Julie.

Frank likely won't answer your email...But it is worth a shot if you can get him to issue you an LOA. Perry is friends with Frank, so he may be an in on getting an loa from both of them (but I am not sure)

Tracks while they are highly regarded won't offer you as much because they will make you a lower offer from what they will resell it for.

Your other option is of course other auction houses like RR Auctions etc...

Perry is a very nice guy and I would at least contact him with pictures and tell him your story and see what he has to say.

Hi Frank,

Thank you, I have sent Perry an email and I will see if he responds.

Where is RR auctions?

Are there any museums that may be interested?

I'd personally stay away from RR auctions. If you use a USA based auction house I'd recommend Heritage Auctions in Dallas or Nate Sanders in Los Angeles.

UK based auctions Bonham's, Christie's, or Omega.


PS. consignors like Perry Cox can get you good exposure for your item and they are very good at what they do. It comes at a cost though as they will take upwards of 33% of the sale price.



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