Looking for a mail address for Artie. If you have one available, please message me. Thanks in advance!

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I dont believe he signs TTM.   For a short bit back in late 2015 or so he did return some signed stuff via his home address in Hoboken, NJ.  But that only lasted a few months, and there has not been any posted successes from him since.   I personally lost a few pictures that I sent him, and never got them back.  

Your best bet is to try to go see him live when/ if he does a show by you, and try to get him going in or coming out.   I have got him in person a few times in the past, and he was always very nice with signing and taking pictures.

FYI though, I believe he is back in rehab as of a day ago.  He missed a court hearing and got arrested over the weekend.  Judge gave him choice of jail or rehab.... He took the rehab, so he will not be doing any shows for a while once again.

Thank you Andrew, extremely helpful. 


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