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One of the biggest challenges to collecting Bela Lugosi autographs is that Lugosi died ten years before I was born, making an in-person Lugosi impossible. I trust very few autograph dealers so my Lugosi autographs needed to have a solid history or one that can be researched and verified. I am very picky about my autographs and their authenticity, especially high dollar Lugosi signatures. Here are a few from my collection.

This first Bela Lugosi autograph was signed to Alex and Richard Gordon, producers of Lugosi's Vampire Over London tour. Alex Gordon also produced Bride of the Monster and Richard Gordon went on to direct Fiend Without a Face.

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Autographed letter of Bela Lugosi dated April 17, 1940. Bela was performing The Stardust Cavalcade, presented by Ed Sullivan. This one didn't have the solid history of the SP to Alex and Richard Gordon, but the dates and hotel letterhead were easy to verify the information, plus the signature is a perfect 1940's example

Another signed photo to Dick and Alex:





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