i am continuing to list my collection in this manner researching the individuals who signed them...
91) WHITELOCK and SON- dated Jan. 28-june- Oct 2 Nov 22-Dec 3- April 9th. Letterhead WHITELOCK & SON Shirtmakers London England. 3 signed letters, 1 bill, and 2 carbon replies. Mr. Colby requesting if the shirts can be sent but states his hesitation due to customs. 92) Ben. F. Wright – dated April 11 – 30 1930. Letterhead none. 1 signed letter and 1 carbon reply. Letter is from Mr. Wright whom is requesting that Mr. Colby make him a loan on an estate he hopes to receive of &6,000.00 from his late Uncle for $350.00, he also requests that Mr. Colby attach a letter of recommendation to the loan to help him get a job. He states rather humourously that he “would rather take an old fashioned spanking than send this letter..” Mr. Colby being out west has his secretary reply denying the loan and returning the note for $350.00. 93) H. L. Agard & Christopher L. Ward & Helen R. Kinsman & A. V. Osterhout (Williams College set)- dated March 28- April 3- June 5,20, 21 1930 & Jan. 20 1931- Letterheads WILLIAMS ALUMNI REVIEW, CLASS OF NINETY, WILLIAMS PROFESSORSHIP FOUNDATION, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. Letters all regards subscription payments & donations to the school. 5 signed letters and 1 carbon reply. 94) R. Emerson Swart – dated October 21 1931 – Nov. 24 1931, Letterhead SWART, BRENT & CO. Incorporated Investment Securities 52 Wall Street New York. 1 signed letter and carbon reply. Letter staing knowledge of Mr. Colbys interest in ships and news releases on the United States Lines new ship being built. He was President of American University in 1944 – 47, I believe this was the same man. 95) Charles E. Meek – dated October 23 1931, Letterhead SOCIETY OF THE GENESEE INC.. 1 signed letter and 1 carbon reply & a blank resident dues card. Letter is in regards to back dues for membership and speaks of this years special person being a Miss Lillian D. Wald and her work as a social worker. Mr. Colby quite clearly states that he had resigned from the group over 2 years before.96) J. C. Klinck – dated April 30 1931, letterhead THE KINGS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Inc. 1860 Brooklyn, N.Y.. 1 signed letter no carbon reply. Thanking Mr. Colby for his assistance in a matter of getting his passport. He was the President of the Kings County Bank.
97) Dr. Stephen I. Miller – letterhead DUN BUILDING 290 BROADWAY NEW YORK. 1 signed handwritten letter and 1 carbon reply. Mr. Colby thanks the Dr. for his repayment of a $400.00 loan it appears by the reply.
98) Joseph Clay – dated October 9 1930, letterhead KAIDEN STUDIOS, Inc. Portrait Photographers for KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY, Inc. PRESS ILLUSTRATING SERVICE 285 Madison Ave. N.Y. 1 signed letter and no carbon reply. Thanking Mr. Colby for making an appointment to be photographed and telling him that it is no cost to him.
99) John M. Walsh – dated July 25 1930 Letterhead THE GLEN SPRINGS Watkins Glen, N.Y.. 1 signed letter and no carbon reply. Telling Mr. Colby a woolen shawl had been sent to his residence.
(Historical note - The Glen Springs opened in 1890. It succeeded the Lake View House which had closed 12 years earlier following the death of its owner, George G. Freer, a prominent lawyer and landowner. William E. Leffingwell bought the property and established his health resort there, 300 feet above present Watkins Glen. Four large mineral water springs on the grounds were developed to attract sojourners. The different springs have been compared to those at Baden, Nauheim, Vichy, and Saratoga. People came from Europe and all over the United States to relax and to receive treatment at Glen Springs. A medical staff gave advice, massages and baths for patients suffering from gout, rheumatism, and digestive problems. Residents paid $25 to $35 a week to stay at the resort in 1900. The hotel had its own swimming pool and solarium, even an elevator. Public rooms were on the main floor: several parlors, a music room, a fern room, card and writing rooms, a dancing parlor, reading room and library, lobby, offices, even a smoking room and a billiard room for men. Additions were made to the central building several times until there were 196 sleeping apartments, some with private marble bathrooms. By 1919 all of the rooms were equipped with long-distance telephones. There was a 300-foot-long veranda and a roof garden with a twenty-mile view up Seneca Lake. Paths wound through the 60 acres of grounds to the different covered springs, to cottages and to tennis courts, a croquet lawn, and a golf course. The hotel had a large dining room, a kitchen, even a dairy, a laundry, and living accommodations for its staff of about 100 people. Wells on the property yielded natural gas to heat the buildings and hot water, and to fuel an electric plant. When World War II erupted clientele no longer came to Glen Springs and it closed in 1942. The building housed married students attending Cornell and other colleges from 1946 through 1948. In 1949 the Fransiscan Friars opened St. Anthony's of Padua Preparatory School, but closed it in 1970. Next, the Glen Springs Academy, a private boarding school, ran for four years until 1974. Finally in the early months of 1996 the buildings were demolished.)
100) Westminster Bank London – dated November 16,21,22,23,24,26, 1928, Dec. 3 1928. Letterheads WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED Batholomew Lane London & E.C., GUEDALLA, JACOBSON & SPYER Solicitors. 6 signed letters & 2 carbon replies. Letters regards a transfer of stocks & insurance for them. It is in amounts of money and stock exceeding $50,000.00 it seems.
101) W.H. Kelynack – dated May 21 & 23, letterhead PEASE & ELLIMAN, Inc. Real Estate and Insurance 660 Madison Avenue N.Y. – 1 signed letter and carbon reply. Letter regards requests for references for MRS BERTHA H. FORCE & Miss ANTOINETTE L. ENSWORTH as tenants at 660 Madison Ave. A carbon. noting their long term close friendships with himself and Mrs Colby.
102) Harry Kreitzer – dated December 10 & 14 1931, letterhead THE BROOKLYN FORUM ACADEMY OF MUSIC 30 Layfayette Ave. Brookly, N.Y.. 1 signed letter and carbon reply. Mr. Kreitzer was a member of the Kings County Socialist Party and Director of the Forum. He is ( requesting Mr Colbys presence as a speaker on “DOES AMERICA NEED A POLITICAL REALIGNMENT?” With other speakers DUDLEY FIELD MALONE, Prof. JOHN DEWEY, & possibly CHARLES SOLOMON”Former Socialist member of the State Legislature” (Mr Colbys carbon at his regrets due to other obligations to not attend).
103) Morris Shapiro & Abraham Baker – dated February 3 1931, letteread MORRIS SHAPIRO Counselor at Law 225 Broadway Suite 2502 N.Y.. 1 letter typed & signed & 2 page handwritten letter signed by Mr. Abraham Baker. Leters regards construction of Jelco Building Corp. involved in the construction of 4 family homes in Englewood New Jersey. Basic negotiations on costs and %’s.
104) J. J. Kerr – dated nov. 2& 7& 19 1931, letterhead J.J.KERR GENERAL CONTRACTING 6801 Penn Avenue Pittsburg, Pa.. 2 signed letters and 1carbon reply. Letters regards thanking Mr. Colby for sending a booklet on Woodrow Wilsons Final years.
105) Charles L. Knox – dated December 10th 1930, Letterhead CHARLES L. KNOX Suite 401 114 Liberty Street N.Y.C.. 1 signed typed letter and no carbon reply. Letter is marked as personal and is in regards to hopeful goodwill gesture from Mr. Colby to do with Mr. Knox and his plan to offer humanity his “plan to help mankind, and spread the gospel of good will..” This particular letter touchs on most every issue affecting the U.S. as a global money nation today.
106) Odell D. Tompkins – dated February 14,15, 19 1930, letterhead LAW OFFICES ODELL D. TOMPKINS. 2 signed letters and 1 carbon reply. Letters are in reference to an address that Mr. Colby had recently given at the Glens Falls retreat in Woodstock N.Y. and was mentioned in the “New York Times…”
107) Edgar A. Pollack – dated March 16 1931, letterhead EDGAR A. POLLACK Counselor at Law 524 Fifth Avenue. 1 signed letter and no carbon. A handwritten letter from Mr. Pollack in his capacity as the Chairman of the Speakers Committee of the Free Synagogue of Westchester. Requesting an address on a social or international topic. He mentions their interest in peace initiatives as spoken about by Woodrow Wilson.
108) E. F. Schow , Esq.- dated December 6, 10 1932, letterhead ELKS CLUB Oakland Calif.. 1 handwritten signed letter and 1 carbon reply. Letter is handwritten 4 pages long on Elks Club stationary and is in regards a clipping from the San Francisco Examiner but it is not with the set. It is about a speech Mr. Colby had given the week before in Boston about the War Debt issue and things he believes that the American public would never accept.
109) Philip C. Walsh – dated August 22 Sept. 1, 9 1931, letterhead ROGERS PRODUCTS CO. Inc. 184-198 Pacific Ave. Jersey City, N.J.. 3 signed letters and no carbon replies. Letters are in regards to patent issues to make Rogers Products the number 1 supplier of lubricant for automobile in use. It speaks of the possible massive huge profit potential. He discusses Mr. Colbys potential shares in the company for his participation. He mentions other notable people investing such as Frank Polk (prominent United States lawyer & Temp. Secretary of state in Wilson Administration just as Mr Colby was), George f. Canfield (Professor of Law in Columbia University), Louise Severence (wife of Craig Severence architech), Ogden Hammond (American businessman, politician and diplomat who served as United States Ambassador to Spain from 1925 to 1929)
110) Robert W. Winston – dated March 23 1931, letterhead ROBERT W. WINSTON Attorney at Law Oxford N.C.. 1 signed letter and no carbon reply. He mentions that he is a young lawyer and is in need of finding a job with an established firm until he can earn enough money and experience to start his own firm. He notes the depression as being the major cause of his inability to find work and has multiple names he uses as references although no attachments as such are here.
111) Schuyler N. Warren Jr. – dated February 13 1931, letterhead THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (contributing Editor- Thomas F. Woodlock). 1 signed letter and no carbon reply. Letter is about Mr. Colbys notes on Current History as to deal with the Russian issues that Mr. Woodlock wanted to read again, so he is asking for a copy from Mr. Colby.
112) Ronald O. McNiel – dated November 27, Dec. 2 1930, letterhead none. 1 signed letter and 1 carbon reply. A letter asking Mr. Colby to give him any signature he might have of Woodrow Wilson for his collection. Mr. Colby replies he has no such signature to give him of Woodrow Wilson but does offer Mr. McNiel his own autograph.
113) T. Carl Nixon – dated November 19 1931, letterhead HUBBELL, TAYLOR, GOODWIN, NIXON & HARGRAVE Attorneys & Counselors at Law. 1 signed letter and no carbon reply. A partially cockroach eaten letter to Mr.Colby about a rotary luncheon in Rochester N.Y.
114) Joe C. Mors – dated October 1 1931, no letterhead. 1 signed letter and no carbon reply. Letter discusses an article of Mr. Colbys in a Hearst publication called “Swope Plan Will Not Cure Reckless Business..” He notes that the “ children of the honest become the servents of the dishonest..” He notes that capitalism is created from a defunct civilization where everyone looks out for themselves. He callsthe holy trinity “Money, Commerce, and Militarism..” where the Military usually takes away the loot from everyone establishing themselves as the “Prince..” He notes that to see this you only need to look at China, India and other “fragments of brilliant Civilizations.” He states that “ A clouded mentality as to the principles of Democracy and Christianity a life very similar to life in the Jungle where the carnivorous eats the Herbivorous…” He notes that the above conditions re very well defined in Mr. Colbys mentioned article and forced upon the “entire WHITE race..” This entire letter I feel is the most interesting one I have found in all the documents so far and dives into the concepts of Socialism at that time forging its way into American though both philosophical and politically. I must SAVE this letter to place in a frame as it is the most overtly radical one I have seen thus far.
115) Manny Strauss – dated Jan. 11 & 20, March 15, May 12 1932. Letterheads MANNY STRAUSS 521 Fifth Ave. N.Y. & BANKERS INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION 521 Fifth Ave. N.Y.. 3 signed letters and 2 carbon replies. One letter is asking Mr. Colby for an autographed photograph for Mr. Strausses study, another letter is in reference to the year 1932 and the complicated issues in the business world and asking to have a meeting with Mr. Colby to discuss them. Mr. Colby replies that he would be happy to meet anytime.
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