joed miller
  • Male
  • Hawaii National Park, HI
  • United States
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joed miller's Discussions

records rareities and oddities

Started Mar 3, 2012 0 Replies

just wondering do we have any one here who is a collector or specialist in old records??  i have some things that i believe are quite rare misprints from KJapan in reference to great rock bands from…Continue


joed miller's Page

About Me

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
Collector, Other
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
As a child my sunday school teacher in Maple Springs NY was the care care taker and groundskeeper forthe empty Colby Mansion and properties after Mrs Colbys Death. I moved there in 65 and we would walk him home seveal miles after church where we would explore the "haunted house: as we called it. In the barn he was clearing out my father helping him take dump runs to the Ellery Dump one day i grabed a couple boxs of stuff anmd have carried it around my entire life. A true picker from birth I guess. Only recently did i open the box and start going through them. They are filled with everything from between 1928- 33 . No Twain stuff except letters ad donations to Floyde Shoemaker of the Misouri Historical society. However there are hundreds of autographs, personal letters, checks, etc signed by mayors, governors, senators, leaders of industry, lords, invitationsto thealmost every nation s well as most of his speechs and even some of them in his own script. I am interested in finding someone who is a coollector ofthese post ww! nd preWW2 documentsdiscusing Russia, Germany, southafrivca, Nicauragugua, etc. as well as personal affairs between thee leaders and movers. I hate to piecemeal them off in ebay but it appears that no one is interested in them as a lot. which is sad since they contain secret letters between STANDARDS and Mr Colby refeences over 3 BILLION dollars in industrial loans to Germany just prior to WW@. Thats like trillions in todays dollars and my guess one ofthe reason Hitler was the powerhouse he was whenhe came to power.

I am also an old hippy and have had the privelidge of meeting & partying with alot of R & R stars such as Richie Havens, john Mayall and many others who have signed my albums.
What is your level of expertise?
Beginner, Long Time Lover
Why do you want to join Autograph Live?
i have a large colletion of the Honourable Bainbridge Colby papers as well as a lifetime of autographed records i want to share, or hopefully sell.
Who can we thank for telling you about us?
no one, found site by search engine
What are your areas of interest?
History/Politics, Music
Why do you collect?
I collect nearly everything i can get my hands on and my wife has had me selling off things so we can USE the upstairs to our home. these are some of my last items and my most cherished, of course all i am going to do is start filling it up again as soon as it cleaned out but that is my nature.. lol..
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
I love them all but am getting old and feel that no one in my family understands the MASSIVE amount of documents I have in my possesion including the Colbys papers. Everyone just seems to say of yeah sure, right, good luck... After carrying and protecting them for over 40 years i feel i am a part oftheir history in ssving them from destruction inthe dump.
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?

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Joed miller's Blog

Janes Regan Automatic Train Control System

Posted on May 17, 2015 at 9:30pm 0 Comments


Within my collection of my Bainbridge Colby documents I have a pile of prototype proposals and the full schematics for a braking system on trains dated 1930 !!!!!  Now our Government and our railroad officials denounced the idea.   However South Africa and several small stretches of RR lines actually introduced this system and it worked well.

In the past couple years the news has been reporting that there are recent attempts to develop and build just such a system acting…


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At 6:33am on February 24, 2013, Ira Rosen said…

Greetings from the mainland! Where it's cold. I couldn't find the NRPS image you posted on the site. I did find your comment about the signers - that would be a much later version of the band. I'm looking for the mid-1970's version: Dawson, Nelson, Torbert, Cage, Dryden. Very interested if you have that. Thanks.


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