Chris G
  • Bronx, NY
  • United States
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Chris G's Discussions

Another Billie Holiday Owned Item with Possible Handwriting

Started Apr 7, 2012 0 Replies

I have another one up and it's almost as interesting as the charts.When I purchased these back in 00, they weren't sold with any mention of writing in Billie's hand, so imagine my delight in finding…Continue

Billie Holiday Personal Owned Arrangements From Her Very Last Recording Session

Started this discussion. Last reply by Chris G Apr 1, 2012. 2 Replies

 The whole story is in the description.…Continue


Chris G's Page

About Me

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What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
I have many items from years of getting around. Everything from Sinatra's last 'saloon song' cigarette butt in NY to Michaelangelo's clay from 'The River God' study in Firenza. Things came and went through the years. I had a magnificent Billie Holiday that I was forced to liquidate a few years back, but I still have the actual charts from her last recording date. In relation, I still have a number of terrific classic jazz sigs. Love the Ruth's & the Gehrigs. I should be able to get a fairly priced Ruth ball in the coming year.
What is your level of expertise?
Intermediate Collector, Long Time Lover
Why do you want to join Autograph Live?
Always like to watch what's happening with like minded folks.
Who can we thank for telling you about us?
Don't thank anyone. Just stumbled in from Google.
What are your areas of interest?
Sports, History/Politics, Books/Literature, Classic Hollywood and Stage, Music
Why do you collect?
It's a sickness I can't explain.
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Meeting heroes is difficult, I've done it. For the moment, I'll say The Babe.

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At 9:23am on January 12, 2012, Steve Cyrkin, Admin said…

Chris...welcome to Live! What did you have to sell by Billie Holiday? In 1999 I bid on a letter she wrote from prison to her boyfriend, also in prison, and I kick myself to this day for dropping out at $4,000. It talked about her sadness and disappointment in herself for ending up in jail.

"Thank God Momma is dead, because if she knew where I was it would kill her."

That still gets to me to this day.



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