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Have you ever considered asking a celebrity to write an inscription that did not make sense?  For example, when I met Denis Lawson at Star Wars Celebration in 2017, I asked him if he would be willing to add CUT THE CHATTER to his autograph.  I explained that although I knew that the line was not delivered by Wedge Antilles in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, I wanted him to say it to me.  He laughed, and happily added it.

When I met Carl Weathers at Star Wars Celebration earlier this year, I had a similar idea.  I wanted him to add an Apollo Creed quotation to his autograph on a Greef Karga photo.  He also laughed, and happily obliged.

Carl Weathers happily added an Apollo Creed quotation to his autograph on a Star Wars photo when I met him at Star Wars Celebration earlier this year.

Criss-crossing autograph inscriptions is a wonderful way for autograph collectors to enjoy our hobby.  I hope to continue the practice in the future.

Views: 203

Comment by Mike Shepherd on January 1, 2023 at 2:04pm

I am glad that you liked it, Cogo and Crazy Rabbits.  Happy New Year!

Comment by Cogo on January 1, 2023 at 3:24pm

The same to you! I always enjoy reading your blogs, it’s nice to read something else here other than the threads about the latest available $10 signed CD…

Comment by Mike Shepherd on January 8, 2023 at 5:18am

Thanks, Cogo.  I am glad that you enjoy them.


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