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Ebay Seller Jojo_Asbury2012 Kobe Bryant Lists Forged Baseball Photo Floorboard

Immediately below are links to previous threads on forged/counterfeit Kobe Bryant "2000-01 Ovation" cards.

People are continuing to emotionally impulsive buy Kobe Bryant forgeries on Ebay.

I find all of this disgusting.

People don't realize what a TOUGH PULL this particular card was and yet they are all over Ebay.





The real collectors in the hobby are well aware of what has been going on since the passing of Kobe Bryant.

Blind emotion by Kobe fans are having them paying for blatant forgeries of Kobe Bryant cards, basketballs, photos, etc.

It is disgusting the people who have no conscience selling the kind of crap like the below garbage listed by Ebay seller Jojo_Asbury2012.

Look at this crap.

Views: 210

Comment by BC on January 30, 2020 at 1:45pm

This is a watershed moment. These fake cards with fake signatures are fooling everyone. We are now seeing the worst of the worst with how many they are pushing out with Kobe's death. It's very easy money. Before people would say, "just buy an insert card that way you know it's real". I wonder if PSA, Beckett, and JSA are aware of what is happening?

Comment by CJCollector on January 30, 2020 at 2:02pm

I think they are well aware of what is going on.

I certainly know that Steve Grad and Beckett do.

Comment by BC on January 31, 2020 at 11:36am

I just saw Steve's twitter page and some retweets from you on there.

Comment by CJCollector on January 31, 2020 at 11:48am

Thank you, BC.


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