Apple just announced that Steve Jobs has died. What a man...what a life. I don't have a Mac, iPhone or iPAD...but I will miss him.

Steve...Rest in Peace.

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Comment by Matt on October 5, 2011 at 5:08pm
the world lost a true visionary today :(
Comment by Steve Zarelli on October 6, 2011 at 7:41am
A true innovator. It was nice to see an American company selling products that the whole world wanted. If we had another 100 like him, there would be no recession in the U.S.
Comment by Scott Cornish on October 6, 2011 at 8:40am
RIP Steve Jobs.
Comment by Darren Ruskin, III on October 10, 2011 at 3:00pm

I had the chance to attend an Apple release party several years ago in NYC. Had the opportunity to ask for an autograph and Jobs looked at me like I was nuts and it was the first time anyone had ever asked him for such a thing. I was then politely asked to leave the premises about 10 minutes later. Very strange day. Must say, it has not deterred me buying nearly every version of the iphone over the years or purchasing Apple products. One of the greats for sure.

Comment by Steve Zarelli on October 10, 2011 at 3:30pm

Had the opportunity to ask for an autograph and Jobs looked at me like I was nuts and it was the first time anyone had ever asked him for such a thing. I was then politely asked to leave the premises about 10 minutes later


He was a brilliant marketer, and like most brilliant people seemed to have his idiosynchrosies. Just ask some of his ex-employees.

Some of the accolades have been a bit much (he was no Edison), but he was a darling of the media so it is to be expected.

Other than the preprint which has been selling on ebay, I presume his real autograph is probably uncommon.

Comment by Darren Ruskin, III on October 10, 2011 at 8:11pm

Agreed Mr. Zipper. And, if I was not clear in the post - NO he did NOT sign my invite card. Wouldn't know what a real Steve Jobs signature looks like either. Never seen (or really looked for one).

Comment by Kyle M. on October 11, 2011 at 1:06pm

Did anyone get a real one in-person? I'd love to see it.  I have seen 2 very different versions on eBay.


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