Willie Mays Autographed 2003 Topps Legends Card Forged Counterfeit Ebay Seller Renn-ji

Immediately below is a link to my blog titled "Willie Mays Forgeries On Counterfeit 2003 Topps Legends Autograph Cards Flood Market."


Below is another link to the forged/counterfeit "1996-97 Willie Mays Topps Commemorative" cards.


I will be posting threads on every Ebay seller who sells a forged/counterfeit Willie Mays "2003 Topps Legends" baseball card.

The most recent sale of a forged/counterfeit Willie Mays "2003 Topps Legends" card is from Ebay seller Renn-ji.

It sold for $380.00!!!

$380.00 for not only a laughable forgery, but for a counterfeit card.

With Ebay so heavily-populated with delusional autograph collectors and impulse buyers, these various forged/counterfeit cards are an easy sell on Ebay.

The "Willie Mays" on this card was penned by a moron.

I know 5-year old kids who could have penned a better forgery.

This is freaking laughable.

Someone spent $380.00 on this worthless piece cardboard.


List by Ebay seller Kennetdowd10.

Confirmed forgery penned by a moron and a confirmed counterfeit card sold by Ebay seller Rennji.

Here's yet another example of a forged/counterfeit Willie Mays "2003 Topps Legends" card.

Like all of the other forged and counterfeit cards, this was penned by either a moron or a two-year old.

Views: 248

Tags: Ebay seller renn-ji, Willie Mays Autographed 2003 Topps Legends


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