Here's a Joan Jett signature that in my opinion is not authentic. It's pretty bad to me, not one I'd ever purchase.

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I'm not really comfortable with this one either.

Apart from the tops of the letter Js, the clumsy looking star, and perhaps the crossing of the "tt", I wouldn't call it a bad attempt. Silver Sharpies are not precision instruments, so some of it could be down to the small size of the item, but not all of it.

Can't image there being much margin for profit forging such a low value item and taking the risk of getting it rejected for a LOA, though.

she sells signed stuff on her website

Just had a quick look at her store and couldn't see any signed stuff.

Her band mates from The Runaways, Cherie Currie and Lita Ford on the other hand definitely sell signed stuff.

Cherie does on her EBay store "Cheriecurriedirect"


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