We now have a Musician-Direct Autograph Sales Forum where you can post individual discussions of new offerings. It's a big change—and a big improvement. We closed this discussion after 8 years but it will always be available to read. 

The new system has been in place for 2 months now and it's working well.

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Steve Cyrkin


Though I recall a member posting a blog asking about this a while ago, I could not relocate it for my purpose in this discussion.

It can be nice when one stumbles upon a musician's shop (via their website), to see that they are selling their autographs. I figured this could grow as a wee database for listing those musicians who partake in this.

I recently recieved a couple press photos signed in ballpoint from John Mayall's website (http://www.johnmayall.com/merch.html). I am also aware that you can purchase signed CDs from Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits(http://peternoone.com/store/). John 5 ( formerly Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie guitarist) sells various items signed, with an option to dedicate.


So, does anyone else know of this being done by other musicians?

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you're welcome!

I'm not a Frampton fan, but it's hard to argue with a nice deal (and product) like that.

Actually me neither,know just Show me The Way and Baby I love your way but its nostalgic for me. Saw him with Yes and Garry Wright at JFK stadium in Philly years ago (late 70s?). I remember it was hot as hell and there was a big food fight as well as The Mummers coming out on stage and having stuff thrown at them as well. Ahh the good old days!

Mine arrived today 24 X 18 and heavy stock a bargain at $14.99

311 was available on pledge music for about 30 seconds but may want to watch in case they release some.more.
One of my favorite contemporary bands, Milky Chance, has a preorder through Newberry for signed CDs of their new album, Blossom.

take that signed cd at sanity. will keep the other half happy


Looks like JB added it too, though it's selling out quickly.


Signed editions of James Blunt's new CD available through Amazon UK.


La'Porsha Renae's album is up on Newbury, though it doesn't seem like the link is working at the moment.


Did anyone happen to.order an extra Steel Panther signed vinyl that they would be willing to sell or trade? I sat on that one too long and they aren't available now. Thanks!


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